Active Ways to Spend Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving doesn’t have to only be about sitting around and eating food! There are tons of things you can do as a family that involve getting up and heading outside!
3 min read
Thanksgiving doesn’t have to only be about sitting around and eating food! There are tons of things you can do as a family that involve getting up and heading outside!
3 min read
Overeating is a common problem at holiday meals like Thanksgiving and unfortunately, it can result in more than just a stomach ache. We look into the negative effects of overeating.
6 min read
It may seem impossible to get through Thanksgiving weekend without putting on a few pounds, but there are a few simple and useful strategies that can help!
3 min read
Sure, we’re told to “fall back” in early autumn, but that doesn’t mean you have to be negligent with your healthy eating and fitness goals. So how does one battle the blues in the face of gray skies, dipping temperatures, and the urge to crawl back under the covers on dark, dismal mornings?
4 min read
It’s difficult to stay true to your weight loss goals during the holidays. However, you can enjoy some turkey and almost all of the fixings without binging yourself into a food coma. Here are 8 effective ways to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner while preventing holiday weight gain.
3 min read
We all love the holidays because it’s a time of year where we get to spend time with our family and loved ones, and celebrate with good food and drinks. However, the holidays can be overwhelming for those who are trying to be healthy! To stay on track, avoid or limit eating these 10 foods.
3 min read