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Broken Heart Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
By Katherine George Your Health

Broken Heart Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Most of us have used the reference “broken-hearted” at some point, and it turns out it’s an actual thing. The condition is referred to as broken heart syndrome and is usually caused by a stress or extreme emotions. To learn more, here’s a look into the symptoms, causes, and treatment options.

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7 min read

Stay-At-Home Valentine’s Day Date Ideas
By Clarissa Vanner Your Health

Stay-At-Home Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

It’s no secret that Valentine’s Day can be stressful and this year, things might be even more different with many of us spending Valentine’s Day at home. While a Valentine’s Day spent at home may sound boring to some, we assure you, it can be really fun, and even special. Here are 12 stay-at-home Valentine’s Day date ideas you can enjoy!

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5 min read

Health Reasons to Show Some Love This Valentine’s Day
By Emily Lockhart Your Health

Health Reasons to Show Some Love This Valentine’s Day

Forget the candy-coated romance, love is a positive emotion with many tangible health benefits, and you can express it in many ways (i.e., to a partner, family member, friend, pet, or even a stranger), and be in love with many things (i.e., a new found hobby), all year long to reap the rewards.

Read More about Health Reasons to Show Some Love This Valentine’s Day

3 min read