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Tips for Adopting a More Plant-Based Diet
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Tips for Adopting a More Plant-Based Diet

For some, the environmental benefits are enough reason to move towards a plant based diet, but for others, it’s the health benefits that play a major motivator. Despite the benefits of weight loss, lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure, the move away from meat can be a difficult one, but there are some tips that can help with the transition.

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11 Considerations for Sugar Detox
Medically Reviewed Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

11 Considerations for Sugar Detox

eWhile there are many factors that have contributed to our “global obesity epidemic”, from stress and lack of sleep to processed food, it’s also clear that sugar has played a large part in the widening of the worldly waistlines. From journalists to researchers there have been many books written on the negative health impact of […]

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7 min read

11 ‘Natural’ Brands Secretly Owned by Big Corporations
By Catherine Roberts Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

11 ‘Natural’ Brands Secretly Owned by Big Corporations

If you enjoy shopping at your local health foods store or Whole Foods market for the diversity of brands offered, it may come as a surprise to know many of the foods and other products offered as organic and ‘natural’ are actually owned by the same mega-corporations as the products in your regular supermarket. The […]

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7 min read