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Supporting Breast Cancer Research: What Is Pinkwashing?
By Catherine Roberts Trending Health News

Supporting Breast Cancer Research: What Is Pinkwashing?

Every October we see it – the color pink, everywhere, reminding us that it’s Breast Cancer Awareness month. Pink cement trucks, pink taxicabs, pink T-shirts, even pink toilet paper. But some advocates are critical of what they see as the “pinkwashing” of breast cancer during Breast Cancer Awareness month. What is “pinkwashing”? Similar in meaning […]

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Cancer Progression May Be Delayed With New Melanoma Treatment
By Sponsored Health Studies in the News

Cancer Progression May Be Delayed With New Melanoma Treatment

Researchers have discovered that a two-drug combination can delay treatment residence in patients with advanced melanoma. The kinase inhibitor drugs dabrafenib and tramentinib combined target different points in the same growth-factor pathway. This postponed the development of drug resistance in patients with BRAF-positive metastatic melanoma, the authors of the study claim. Melanoma is the most […]

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Chuck Pagano’s Leukemia Battle: NFL And Fans Shocked
By Sponsored Trending Health News

Chuck Pagano’s Leukemia Battle: NFL And Fans Shocked

NFLers were shocked to learn of Chuck Pagano’s battle with a rare form of leukemia. He has a form of leukemia known as acute promyelocytic, which is a treatable form of the disease. He took a temporary leave of absence from his duties as Colt Coach. Words of encouragement and well wishes began to pour […]

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New Blood Test To Detect Breast And Lung Cancer
By Jim Greene Trending Health News

New Blood Test To Detect Breast And Lung Cancer

Scientists have claimed to have developed a simple blood test that can accurately detect the initial stages of breast and lung cancer. Kansas State University researchers developed the test that can detect cancer before symptoms such as coughing and weight loss begin. Basically the test detects increased enzyme activity in the body. Iron nanoparticles coated […]

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Teens Should Play More than One Sport to Stay Fit: Study
By Jim Greene Children

Teens Should Play More than One Sport to Stay Fit: Study

When it comes to fighting obesity, one sport may not be enough for teens, according to new research performed at Dartmouth College. A study found that teens who play two or more sports were less likely to be overweight or obese, compared to teens that play only one sport. Statistically, researchers found that teens involved […]

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78-Year-Old Man Beats “Incurable” Cancer, Credits Dietary Changes
By Sponsored Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

78-Year-Old Man Beats “Incurable” Cancer, Credits Dietary Changes

A 78-year old grandfather who was told by his doctor that he had “incurable” cancer was recently declared cancer-free. “They [the doctors] said if they cut out the cancer it would just pop up somewhere else,” Allan Taylor told the Sunday Mirror. “But I was determined to stay positive and decided to find my own […]

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