Common Shingles Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore
Early intervention is key and reduces the risk of serious complications. Don’t ignore these symptoms of shingles!
4 min read
Early intervention is key and reduces the risk of serious complications. Don’t ignore these symptoms of shingles!
4 min read
Chickenpox is a viral infection that causes an itchy red-spotted rash. It’s also incredibly contagious so it’s important to get informed. Here’s what you need to know about chickenpox.
7 min read
Ramsay Hunt syndrome, also known as herpes zoster oticus, is a rare type of shingles. It occurs when a shingles outbreak affects a facial nerve near one ear causing facial paralysis and hearing loss in one ear. To learn more, we’ve created a complete overview of this condition, including symptoms, causes, risk factors, and treatment options.
7 min read
Mais de 1 milhão de americanos sofrem de herpes-zóster a cada ano. Às vezes, as cobreiro podem ser difíceis de identificar porque muitas vezes imitam outras condições, como hera venenosa ou sarna. Alguns sinais reveladores de herpes zoster incluem bolhas, coceira, dor de cabeça, febre, calafrios e fadiga extrema. Se você suspeitar que tem herpes […]
11 min read
According to the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, roughly one in three Americans will develop shingles during their lifetime. Shingles is non-contagious viral infection. The disease causes a painful skin rash and can lead to complications that will warrant hospitalisation. Shingles causes less than 100 deaths in the United States each year, though around […]
5 min read
The painful, blistering rash can be somewhat mild for some but excruciating for others, which is why it should be taken seriously. We look at 13 facts about shingles, including how to prevent it.
6 min read