The flu season is hitting hard and fast this year in the United States. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is saying that it could be the start of the worst flu season in a decade.
Nationally, the number of tests coming back positive for the influenza virus had a 15.2% elevation when compared to last year. Thomas Frieden, the CDC director, commented on the stats. “This is at least a month earlier than we would generally see the beginning of the uptick in cases.”
Freiden reported that the flu vaccine this year has a 90% match for the strains that are going around, “so we’re particularly encouraging people who haven’t been vaccinated to do it.”
112 million American citizens have already been vaccinated this year for the flu. 135 million doses will be made, so there should not be any vaccine shortages.
The flu season runs from October to April, but you can get influenza anytime. To keep yourself protected from catching the flu, Frieden offered some advice. He says that you first and foremost should be vaccinated. To prevent spreading or catching the virus, make sure to wash your hands and cover your mouth when you cough. Cough into the crook of your arm and not into your hands. Be sure to stay home from work or school if you have the flu, or else you could risk passing it on to others.