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Easy, Low Calorie, Beach-Ready Snacks

3 min read

By Emily Lockhart

No matter where you’re lounging this summer—by the pool, on the dock, or with the waves at your feet—these low calorie, beach-ready snacks can be packed and ported to the reclining chair of your choice. The following 10 summer snacks are not only a nutritious combination of lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates; they’re also low in calories (all under 200-calories each) to go easy on your beach bod!

Raw Nuts

You’re already likely aware that raw nuts (the unsalted kind if you please) provide the body with a whack of heart-healthy fats and proteins, which convert nicely into all that energy you’ll need for lapping around in the surf.

Plus, a small handful (i.e., 22 almonds or 40 pistachios) equal only 170 calories.

Fruit Kebabs

Mmmmmm, summer on a skewer—well, not literally—but kebabs made with chunks of seasonal fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cantaloupe, and pineapple are super easy to transport to the beach.

You can even color coordinate with your swimsuit for under 40-calories per skewer!

Apple Almond Butter Sandwich

I admit; I’m a sucker for this easy and tasty treat—so much so I even munch it on my morning walk to work. I simply core and slice an apple in half, smear a thin layer of organic almond butter in between each slice (2-teaspoons max) and add some extra fiber and protein by sprinkling a few chia seeds on the nut butter. Voila, you have a portable and nutritious sammie under 150 calories!

Dates and Lean Ham

The sweet, sticky taste of dates meets the salty tang of lean deli ham (or lean prosciutto, if you prefer) in this exotic beach treat. Simply wrap 1 thin piece of meat around a clean date for a bite that’s only worth 50-calories each…so you can have a few!

Frozen Cherries

I love these frozen sweets so much that I’ve even grown accustomed to using them as ice cubes. I’m talking about the seasonally worthy, crisp taste of summer cherries to deliver a bit of vitamin-infused respite on a hot, humid day at the lake.

Veggies and Hummus

Not only are veggie sticks—like carrots, celery, cucumber, and sweet bell peppers extremely low in the caloric department, they provide a satisfying and nutritious crunch when paired with 2 large tablespoons of homemade, protein-rich hummus.

Vegetable Salad Rolls

Salad is hard to eat at the beach thanks to all of that sand, but you can eat these portable veggie salad rolls midday or mid-Frisbee throw.

Each roll is wrapped in rice paper and stuffed with shredded carrots, cabbage, lettuce, avocado, and cucumber (and a bit of chicken or shrimp if you like). Bring a small container of dipping sauce made from ½-teaspoon of almond butter mixed with water and a splash of fresh lime.


Nothing beats the heat like biting into a thick, juicy slice of watermelon. Not only will the fruit help keep you well hydrated (it’s high in water content) as you frolic under the sun—one monster slice is only 90-calories.

Roasted Chickpeas

Equally perfect for the beach and round the campfire, roasted chickpeas are brushed with olive oil and spices (I use cumin, curry, chili powder, and garlic) and then baked for 20 minutes in the oven.

What you end up with is a fiber- and antioxidant-rich snack that weighs in at a mere 200-calories per small zip lock bag (or half cup).

Frozen Banana Pop

If you’re at the beach or pool with no banana stand in sight, try preparing a few of these all-fruit frozen pops the night before.

Just slice a few bananas, skewer with a Popsicle stick and roll each in a mixture of low-fat plain yogurt and cinnamon. Freeze overnight and enjoy this 110- calorie snack on your walk to the beach the following afternoon.


Julie Ching is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator in Los Angeles. She decided to become a Dietitian after traveling through Europe, South America, and Asia and discovered a passion for food. She now works with people of all ages and varying disease states to improve their health. She is passionate about teaching people about nutrition so they can live their best life while still considering their cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

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