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Body Dysmorphic Disorder Is More Common Than Eating Disorders Like Anorexia and Bulimia, Yet Few People Are Aware of Its Dangers
By Eva Fisher, Fugen Neziroglu, and Jamie Feusner Your Health

Body Dysmorphic Disorder Is More Common Than Eating Disorders Like Anorexia and Bulimia, Yet Few People Are Aware of Its Dangers

While eating disorders have been widely publicized for decades, far less attention has been given to a related condition called body dysmorphic disorder, or BDD. Body dysmorphic disorder is often hidden from public view due to the shame people feel about one or more parts of their body, yet it is a devastating, debilitating psychological […]

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6 min read

Regulating ‘Forever Chemicals’: 3 Essential Reads On PFAS
By Jennifer Weeks Your Health

Regulating ‘Forever Chemicals’: 3 Essential Reads On PFAS

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to release a draft regulation limiting two fluorinated chemicals, known by the abbreviations PFOA and PFOS, in drinking water. These chemicals are two types of PFAS, a broad class of substances often referred to as “forever chemicals” because they are very persistent in the environment. PFAS are widely […]

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4 min read

How Vinyl Chloride, the Chemical in the Ohio Train Derailment and Used to Make PVC Plastics, Can Damage Your Liver
By Juliane I. Beier Your Health

How Vinyl Chloride, the Chemical in the Ohio Train Derailment and Used to Make PVC Plastics, Can Damage Your Liver

Vinyl chloride – the chemical in several of the train cars that derailed and burned in East Palestine, Ohio, in February 2023 – can wreak havoc on the human liver. It has been shown to cause liver cancer, as well as a nonmalignant liver disease known as TASH, or toxicant-associated steatohepatitis. With TASH, the livers […]

Read More about How Vinyl Chloride, the Chemical in the Ohio Train Derailment and Used to Make PVC Plastics, Can Damage Your Liver

3 min read