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5 Best Medical Alert Systems of 2023

5 min read

By Clarissa Vanner

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential to ensure the safety and well-being of our loved ones, especially those who may require extra care due to their health conditions. Medical alert systems are a crucial lifeline for many individuals who live alone or have medical conditions that require immediate attention in case of an emergency. These systems can provide peace of mind to both the user and their family members, knowing that help is just a button press away. However, with so many medical alert systems available, choosing the best one can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the 5 best medical alert systems for you to consider. Start a search today to find the best medical alert systems for your loved ones, and keep them safe and secure.

Life Alert

Life Alert is a well-known medical alert system that has been on the market for over 30 years. It is designed to provide round-the-clock monitoring and emergency assistance to seniors and individuals with disabilities. The system consists of a base unit and a wearable emergency button that can be worn as a pendant or wristband. When the emergency button is pressed, a signal is sent to the base unit, which then connects to the Life Alert monitoring center. A trained operator will then speak with the user through the base unit’s speaker and assess the situation to determine the appropriate action.

One of the key benefits of Life Alert is its quick response time, with an average response time of just 15- to 20-seconds. Additionally, the system is designed to work both indoors and outdoors, providing coverage wherever the user may be. Life Alert also offers a variety of additional features, such as a mobile app that allows family members to receive notifications in case of an emergency. Life Alert requires a one-time shopping and installation fee of $197 and bundles range from $69.90 to $89.95 per month.

GetSafe Medical Alert System

GetSafe is a medical alert system offered by Bay Alarm Medical that provides comprehensive and reliable emergency response services. The system features a discreet, waterproof wearable device that can be worn as a lanyard, making it easy to carry around at all times. Additionally, GetSafe’s two-way, voice-activated wall button provides an added layer of security and peace of mind for users. With 24/7 live monitoring, users can rest assured that help is just a button press away in case of an emergency.

One of the standout features of GetSafe is its wall button design, which offers three different ways to call for help. Users can pull a cord, press a button, or use the voice-activated feature to call 911 in case of an emergency. This provides users with multiple options to call for help, which can be especially beneficial in high-stress situations. GetSafe’s system also includes an (optional) fall detection feature on the necklace, which automatically triggers an alert if the user falls and is unable to press the emergency button.

Bundles start at $79 and the standard monthly monitoring fee costs $27.95. However, you do have the option for add-ons, such as GPS-enabled mobile units for an extra $20 per month or app access for caregivers for another $5 per month.

Aloe Care Health Mobile Companion

The Aloe Care Health Mobile Companion is a medical alert system that provides comprehensive and innovative care solutions for seniors and individuals with disabilities. Aloe Health’s equipment uses multisensory feedback, including sight, sound, and vibrations, to ensure that emergency services are easily and quickly contacted when needed. The system also features a mobile app that connects users with their friends, family, and medical professionals to facilitate more robust care and collaboration. With out-of-home detection, the Aloe Care Health Mobile Companion can provide peace of mind for both users and their loved ones.

One of the key benefits of the Aloe Care Health Mobile Companion is its ability to connect users with their Care Circle. Users can add as many caregivers as they want to their Care Circle via the Aloe Care Health app, providing a more robust support system in case of an emergency. The system also features a voice-activated hub that allows users to call for help and communicate with their Care Circle using just their voice. Additionally, the Aloe Care Health Mobile Companion includes fall detection technology, which can automatically detect falls and trigger an alert to the user’s Care Circle.

The most popular plan is the Essentials Plus, which costs $39.99 per month (plus a one-time hardware cost of $249.99). This plan includes all of the features of Aloe Care Essentials, a mobile personal emergency response device, two-way calls with emergency response, and location updates nationwide.

LifeFone At-Home & On-the-Go, VIPx

LifeFone At-Home & On-the-Go VIPx is a versatile and reliable medical alert system that provides both at-home and on-the-go protection. LifeFone claims that its on-the-go pendant is the smallest, lightest, and most advanced mobile medical alert device on the market, making it easy to carry around at all times. Additionally, the pendant is water-resistant and can be worn in the rain and shower to ensure your loved one is always protected. The system is powered by either Verizon or AT&T’s 4G LTE cellular service, depending on LifeFone’s service provider in the user’s area, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted coverage.

One of the standout features of LifeFone At-Home & On-the-Go VIPx is its app, which enables caregivers to monitor their loved one’s activity, location, and battery level from a distance. This feature can be especially useful for individuals who may be at risk of wandering or getting lost. Plans start at $45.95 per month with the option to add on fall detection for an additional $5 per month. Overall, LifeFone At-Home & On-the-Go VIPx is an excellent choice for individuals who require both at-home and on-the-go protection, as well as caregivers who want to stay connected and informed.

One Call Alert Mobile On-the-Go

One Call Alert Mobile On-the-Go is a reliable and affordable medical alert system that provides two-way communication and enhanced peace of mind for active users and caregivers. The system includes a waterproof help button that can be worn as a pendant or wristband, allowing users to call for help whenever they need it. Additionally, One Call Alert’s cellular systems connect to nearby AT&T towers and don’t require customers to have a landline, cell phone, or Wi-Fi connection, ensuring uninterrupted coverage even when the user is on the go.

One Call Alert also offers free ground shipping for most plans and no long-term contracts, and no activation fee, making it an affordable option for individuals who want to stay protected without breaking the bank. Plans start at 37.95 per month, with the option to pay quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. You can also opt for an $11 add-on which adds an automatic fall detection button with the One Call Alert Help Button. Finally, you may also enjoy that One Call Alert offers a risk-free 30-day trial period to ensure you and your loved one are happy with the device.

Junior Managing Editor

Clarissa is the Junior Managing Editor of ActiveBeat. She aspires to live a healthy lifestyle by staying active and eating foods that nourish her body, but she isn't afraid to indulge in a little chocolate here and there! Clarissa loves cooking, being outdoors, and spending time with her dog. In her free time, you'll find her relaxing in her hammock or curled up on the couch reading a book.

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