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weight loss

Easy Ways To Burn 100 Calories
By Debbie McGauran Fitness News & Advice

Easy Ways To Burn 100 Calories

Maintaining a healthy weight and staying fit doesn’t require as much effort as you might think. In addition to eating a nutritious diet, the secret involves getting up off the couch and moving. That’s not to say all exercise is created equal. The more intense and longer the duration, the more calories you burn. However, it may come as a pleasant surprise just how easy it is and how little time it takes to burn an extra 100 calories in a day.

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5 min read

The True Weight of your Summer Cocktail
By ActiveBeat Author Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

The True Weight of your Summer Cocktail

The sun is shining and the weather is perfect for a round of cocktails on the patio or deck. But before you order a pitcher of mojitos or sip on a series of apple martinis this weekend, consider the amount of empty calories you’re slurping. This handy infographic, created by, a South-Central-based treatment facility for addiction […]

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1 min read

Minor Daily Tweaks With Huge Health and Diet Impacts
By Emily Lockhart Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Minor Daily Tweaks With Huge Health and Diet Impacts

We often get caught up in the big picture, total exercise and diet overhauls that we often forget that little changes can make huge impact in our lives and health goals. So instead of spending hours at the gym and going on a restrictive elimination diet, try making these six minor tweaks to see major health payoffs.

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4 min read