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tips for healthy aging

The Importance of Good Balance After 50
By Eric Leckie, PT Senior

The Importance of Good Balance After 50

Balance is one of those bodily functions that most people take for granted until they no longer have it. It’s something we learn from a young age, but as we get older, our muscles and joints get more stiff which inevitably affects our balance. Here’s a deeper look into the 10 reasons why it is important to maintain balance after the age of 50.

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5 min read

Foods That Speed Up The Aging Process
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Senior

Foods That Speed Up The Aging Process

While anti-aging moisturizers and serums may help you look and feel younger, what you put in your body is just as, if not more important. For example, eating too many processed foods can lead to collagen damage which can make a person appear older than they are. We believe everything can be enjoyed in moderation, however just be mindful of these foods that can speed up the aging process.

Read More about Foods That Speed Up The Aging Process

6 min read

Superfoods That May Help You Live Longer
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Superfoods That May Help You Live Longer

Want to live a longer life? There are a variety of factors to this including lifestyle, but it turns out what you eat has a significant impact on your life expectancy (go figure). While these foods don’t possess any special powers that give you everlasting youth, they do have the ability to fight off diseases and improve your heart health.

Read More about Superfoods That May Help You Live Longer

6 min read