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Ticks Spread Plenty More for You to Worry About Beyond Lyme Disease
By Jerome Goddard Your Health

Ticks Spread Plenty More for You to Worry About Beyond Lyme Disease

When it comes to problems caused by ticks, Lyme disease hogs a lot of the limelight. But various tick species carry and transmit a collection of other pathogens, some of which cause serious, even fatal, conditions. In fact, the number of tick-borne disease cases is on the rise in the United States. The range where […]

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6 min read

Lyme disease protection: No vaccine yet, but an antibody shot could soon provide a season of immunity
By Mark Klempner Your Health

Lyme disease protection: No vaccine yet, but an antibody shot could soon provide a season of immunity

Lyme disease has become an insidious epidemic in the United States. Caused by bacteria transmitted through the bite of an infected tick, it can lead to heart problems, meningitis or arthritis if left untreated. It is the most common tick-borne illness in the United States, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that […]

Read More about Lyme disease protection: No vaccine yet, but an antibody shot could soon provide a season of immunity

4 min read