The Incredible Health Benefits of Bananas
Bananas are not only delicious, but they contain a lot of what your body needs – with no preparation necessary. So let’s take a look at 12 reasons you should go bananas over this amazing fruit.
5 min read
Bananas are not only delicious, but they contain a lot of what your body needs – with no preparation necessary. So let’s take a look at 12 reasons you should go bananas over this amazing fruit.
5 min read
Keeping a healthy balance of good bacteria in your gut is important to maintain overall health and keep cravings for sugary foods at bay. Let’s digest 12 facts about gut health and how it affects you.
6 min read
Many people have never heard of prebiotics, let alone what their function is. Essentially, they are a type of fiber that feeds friendly probiotic bacteria, allowing them to function more effectively. Therefore, it’s just as important to consume enough prebiotics as probiotics. But where can you find them? The following are eight excellent food sources.
4 min read
The digestive system holds the key to our overall health. It’s well being can have a major impact on all areas of our health, both mental and physical. Here are 8 interesting facts that can help you get to know your gut!
5 min read