18 Foods That Can Help Reduce Hypertension
While hypertension can be controlled with medication, there are also many foods that naturally help lower blood pressure.
9 min read
While hypertension can be controlled with medication, there are also many foods that naturally help lower blood pressure.
9 min read
You might’ve heard of some of these foods, or have seen them at your local grocery store, but have paid no mind to them. Turns out that many of them are packed with goodness, and are definitely worth a try. Not only are many of them filled with vitamins and nutrients, many of them actually […]
6 min read
While the warm weather of summer is enjoyable, it does come with its own set of dangers, such as heat stroke. Luckily, along with plenty of water, the following eight hydrating foods can prevent heat stroke.
4 min read
Create true splendor on your holiday table with this colorful array of seasonal farmer’s market finds!
4 min read
Antioxidants are natural substances that can limit, or stop the damage free radicals wreak on our bodies, basically stabilizing the free radicals. Here are 7 of the best antioxidant rich superfoods to eat.
3 min read
Smoothies are a great way to get a boost of energy in the morning, especially when they’re blended with the right ingredients. We’ve created a list of the 9 best super ingredients to include in a healthy smoothie.
3 min read