Cyclothymia (Cyclothymic Disorder): Signs, Causes, and Treatment
Cyclothymia is a mood disorder that causes frequent mood swings. It’s also chronic and requires lifelong treatment. Here’s a full look at what cyclothymic disorder is.
7 min read
Cyclothymia is a mood disorder that causes frequent mood swings. It’s also chronic and requires lifelong treatment. Here’s a full look at what cyclothymic disorder is.
7 min read
Alcohol and substance abuse addiction is a serious mental health condition impacting millions of Americans. Approximately one in seven Americans will develop a severe substance abuse disorder in their lifetime. However, only one in 10 will seek treatment for their condition. Many reasons, such as stigma, can cause someone to hesitate to seek professional help […]
4 min read
While daydreaming is often harmless, maladaptive daydreaming can have a hugely negative impact on a person’s life. To learn more about this condition, here’s a look into what maladaptive dreaming is, the symptoms, causes, and potential treatment options…
7 min read
In an effort to combat the rising mental health crisis, the U.S. Preventive Service Task Force is now recommending anxiety screenings as a part of regular checkups. Here’s what you need to know about anxiety screenings and who should get them.
6 min read
It’s more than just bragging about kids or pushing them to their limit in extra curricular activities. It goes much deeper and can have serious, long-term effects on children. Here are the common signs of a narcissistic parent, as well as tips on how parents can change and what the children should do…
8 min read
CBD oil a natural remedy that can be used to relieve symptoms of many common ailments. While there are many benefits to CBD oil, it’s important to be educated on the uses and side effects before giving it a try. Follow along for everything you should know about CBD oil.
7 min read