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Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Arthritis
By Patty Weasler, RN Your Health

Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Arthritis

We’re covering the conditions commonly mistaken for arthritis and the distinguishing characteristics to help you determine which condition you may be suffering from. If you are concerned about your health, always be sure to talk to your doctor to get a firm diagnosis and a treatment plan developed for your situation.

Read More about Conditions Commonly Mistaken for Arthritis

7 min read

Hashimoto’s Disease Diet: Foods to Eat and Not to Eat
By Patty Weasler, RN Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Hashimoto’s Disease Diet: Foods to Eat and Not to Eat

Many people with Hashimoto’s have found some relief with diet changes. Avoiding foods that can cause inflammation can help reduce symptoms and improve how you feel. There are multiple foods that can help your Hashimoto’s disease and multiple that can negatively affect it. Here we will talk about the best and worst foods for Hashimoto’s disease and how they affect your health. 

Read More about Hashimoto’s Disease Diet: Foods to Eat and Not to Eat

8 min read