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Tips To Transition Your Skincare Routine Into Fall
By Olivia DiPede Your Health

Tips To Transition Your Skincare Routine Into Fall

The change of seasons from summer to fall often means cooler temperatures and a drop in humidity. While this time of year is beautiful, the drastic weather changes and dry air can often affect our skin. Follow along as we breakdown some tips and tricks to transition your skincare routine into fall and winter.

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7 min read

Easy Ways to Stay Healthy and Active During Fall
By Emily Lockhart Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Easy Ways to Stay Healthy and Active During Fall

Do you feel that autumn chill in the air? For many of us, the change in season is marked by tucking away sundresses and sandals in the backs of our closets baited breath until summer. However, don’t tuck away those sneakers, bicycles, and healthy eating habits with your swimsuit. You can maintain your workout and […]

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4 min read

Most Common Fall Allergies and How to Soothe Them Quickly
Reviewed by Patty Weasler, RN Your Health

Most Common Fall Allergies and How to Soothe Them Quickly

The fall season presents its own serious challenges. Most problematic may be the fact that many weeds pollinate in the late summer and fall, sending particles into the air and into our homes and offices. Here’s a look at some fall allergy concerns and how you can help avoid or manage them.

Read More about Most Common Fall Allergies and How to Soothe Them Quickly

8 min read