Pancreatic Cancer Diet: Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid
While the foods on this list won’t erase cancer, they can help ease some of the symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer, or help prevent it in the first place.
5 min read
While the foods on this list won’t erase cancer, they can help ease some of the symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer, or help prevent it in the first place.
5 min read
Diverticulitis is an inflammation or infection of the pouches called diverticula on the intestine walls which can lead to complications. Thankfully, you can potentially improve the condition by adding or avoiding certain foods.
5 min read
The avocado has become remarkably popular in recent years, and for good reason: the fruit has a remarkably unique taste, it contains “healthy” fats, and it’s packed with protein, something that sets it apart from other fruits and vegetables. In addition to being a healthy fat, here are some of the health benefits that come from regularly eating avocado.
8 min read
Unfortunately, there is no specific dietary plan that has proven beneficial for everyone with Crohn’s disease, as different parts of the intestine are affected in different people, and also because the disease can change over time. However, there are several common “trigger foods” that can aggravate the gastrointestinal tract and cause symptoms to occur—including these 12, which may be best avoided.
6 min read
If you haven’t heard of chia seeds before, they come from the Salvia Hispanica plant, which is part of the mint family, and are native to Mexico and Guatemala. They are said to have been an important food to the Aztecs and Mayans. And due to their incredible health benefits, it’s no surprise as to why! Here are 12 reasons to add more chia seeds to your diet.
6 min read
Whatever the cause, adjusting the diet is an important part of treating gastritis quickly. As the stomach lining has been compromised, it’s necessary to remove any foods that may further aggravate the issue, but it’s also equally important to increase intake of those that may soothe.
4 min read