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heart attack

Study Shows that Heart Attack Rates Climb During Winter coronary health
By Emily Lockhart Health Studies in the News

Study Shows that Heart Attack Rates Climb During Winter

It kind of makes sense that winter would be harsher for heart patients—the physical strain of the cold, shovelling all that snow, and battling treacherous traffic is enough to give us all heart palpitations.  However, a recent study supports what many refer to as the “Christmas coronary” or the rise of heart attack cases during the winter […]

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Flu Shot Could Help Prevent Heart Attacks
By Jim Greene Men's Health News

Flu Shot Could Help Prevent Heart Attacks

A new study presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress presented an interesting hypothesis that flu shots may help prevent heart attacks. The researchers looked at 3,227 participants. Half of these had been followed from the 1960’s. Half of the total were given placebo flue shots, while the other half received it. The results were astounding. […]

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New Risks For Diabetics: Foot Ulcers Connected With Heart Attacks, Stoke, and Death
By Sponsored Trending Health News

New Risks For Diabetics: Foot Ulcers Connected With Heart Attacks, Stoke, and Death

A new large-scale study has shown that individuals with diabetes who develop foot ulcers are at greater risk of dying prematurely compared to those who have not experienced these complications. This research highlights the need for improved detection and control of those diabetics with foot ulcers. Approximately 3.7 million people in the UK have diabetes, […]

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Cardiac Arrest And Menopause Link Discovered: Study
By Jim Greene Senior

Cardiac Arrest And Menopause Link Discovered: Study

It has been discovered that women who undergo early menopause are at a greater risk of having a cardiac incident or a stroke.  The study was conducted at the University of Alabama on twenty five hundred women.  In this study there were almost seven hundred women that had undergone early menopause. It was discovered that […]

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Teens Should Play More than One Sport to Stay Fit: Study
By Jim Greene Children

Teens Should Play More than One Sport to Stay Fit: Study

When it comes to fighting obesity, one sport may not be enough for teens, according to new research performed at Dartmouth College. A study found that teens who play two or more sports were less likely to be overweight or obese, compared to teens that play only one sport. Statistically, researchers found that teens involved […]

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Work Stress Leads to Higher Risk of Heart Attacks, Coronary Heart Disease
By Sponsored Health Studies in the News

Work Stress Leads to Higher Risk of Heart Attacks, Coronary Heart Disease

Researchers have linked a condition they call “job strain” to higher heart attack and coronary heart disease rates. “Job strain” is defined as a stressful, demanding job with high performance expectations, but one in which the job holder has little decision-making ability. The study performed a thorough re-analysis of over 200,000 clinical trial participants from […]

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