Tips on How to Avoid Germs at the Office
To stay healthy while working in an office, here are some tips on how to avoid spreading and picking up germs at work.
7 min read
To stay healthy while working in an office, here are some tips on how to avoid spreading and picking up germs at work.
7 min read
A home office doesn’t need to be fancy, but having the right chair is crucial to having a practical workspace. Aside from overall comfort, there are more benefits to buying a new office chair than you might think.
4 min read
Standing desks are becoming the norm not only in many offices, but also in people’s’ homes. If you’re interested in improving your work space by adding a standing desk, consider purchasing one of these 10 products.
7 min read
We’re all busy with life, but it’s important to take time to rest. If we don’t and we just keep piling on stress, that’s when burnout happens. If left unchecked, burnout can become a serious mental health issue. Here’s a look at what burnout is, as well as how to recognize and avoid it…
7 min read
Many businesses and corporations are jumping on board the health promotion band wagon by offering their employees gym memberships, active breaks, and lunch and learn opportunities. The fact is, a healthy employee is a productive employee. Unfortunately, many programs fail at drawing in the expected excitement, appreciation, and employee participation leaving this great initiative dead […]
7 min read