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healthcare industry

How a Healthcare Administration Degree Can Transform Your Future
By Clarissa Vanner Your Health

How a Healthcare Administration Degree Can Transform Your Future

Are you interested in pursuing a career in healthcare administration? Discover the benefits of earning a degree in this field, learn about the different types of degree programs available, and explore the diverse career opportunities in this rapidly growing industry.

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3 min read

2020 Medicare Changes Every American Must Know
By Katherine George General Health

2020 Medicare Changes Every American Must Know

The biggest change is happening to Medigap Plan F and C, but there are some other notable changes that will occur too, including increases to Part B premium, Part B deductible, Medicare Advantage enrollment, and more. To stay informed on all these important changes, keep reading. We’re created a detailed list of all the 2020 changes every American should know.  

Read More about 2020 Medicare Changes Every American Must Know

10 min read

How Virtual Healthcare Can Revolutionize the Health Industry
By ActiveBeat Author Your Health

How Virtual Healthcare Can Revolutionize the Health Industry

Can you imagine the state of healthcare 10-, 20-, even 50 years into the future? This infographic speculates that it may include specifically tailored treatments, at home recovery, better treatment for rural patients, and virtual consultations via life-sized physician holograms to give doctors more time and patients better overall care. No, you haven’t entered a sic-fi […]

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