Best Workouts to Slow the Effects of Aging
Maintaining an active lifestyle is important, especially as we age. In fact, there is some evidence that certain exercises are better for “aging muscles” and can slow down the effects of aging.
7 min read
Maintaining an active lifestyle is important, especially as we age. In fact, there is some evidence that certain exercises are better for “aging muscles” and can slow down the effects of aging.
7 min read
It’s no secret that staying lean and physically fit can become a much tougher challenge with age. The good news is that women have some options when it comes to simple physical activities that can help build strength and burn fat and calories. Let’s take a look at some of the best options for women in this list.
8 min read
Exercise is important, especially as we age! We look into the best forms of exercise for people over 50.
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While you might not be breaking any records doing the 100-meter dash or winning ultra marathons when you’re 56, you can still achieve a high level of fitness that benefits your body and mind. Here are 13 of the best exercise tips to keep in mind if you’re a man older than 50.
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Exercises don’t need to be complicated – in fact, most of the upcoming examples could be done while watching TV without the aid of exercise equipment. Healthline.com says those aged 65-and older should get 150-minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week – so here are 12 easy but effective exercises for people in their golden years.
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Not only does exercise help us stay in shape, it can play an important role in limiting our chances of developing serious health conditions, from diabetes to heart disease. So we’ve compiled a list of popular myths that tend to keep older people from getting the physical activity their bodies need and, in many ways, crave.
8 min read