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New HIV Test Gives Hope To Poor Countries
By Catherine Roberts Trending Health News

New HIV Test Gives Hope To Poor Countries

A new HIV test is giving hope for cheaper testing in poor countries. The new test uses nanotechnology to change a sample vial red or blue depending on if the blood is HIV positive or not. This new breakthrough was made through research from the Imperial College in London and published in the journal Nature […]

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2 min read

New Leukemia Drug Approved: Gives Hope To Cancer Patients
By Jim Greene Trending Health News

New Leukemia Drug Approved: Gives Hope To Cancer Patients

The United States Food and Drug Administration has approved a new leukemia treatment today. It was produced by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd under the brand name Synribo. The drug is known as omacetaxine mepesuccinate and it treats a very specific form of leukemia. The type of cancer is called chronic myelogenous, which affects the blood […]

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1 min read

Pediatricians Say Buy Organic For Children: Reduce Pesticide Exposure
By Catherine Roberts Children

Pediatricians Say Buy Organic For Children: Reduce Pesticide Exposure

While recent studies have found that organic food is not more nutritious, pediatricians are still recommending it for children. The issue is not getting more nutrients, but the pesticides found on conventional produce. The report was released by the American Academy of Pediatrics and published in the journal of Pediatrics. The report collects several studies […]

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Prostate Cancer 3 Times More Likely in Men Who Work Night Shift
By Sponsored Health Studies in the News

Prostate Cancer 3 Times More Likely in Men Who Work Night Shift

A new study released by researchers at the University of Quebec and Centre INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier reveals that men who work the night shift are almost three times more likely to develop prostate cancer. The study involved 3,137 men who had cancer at one of 11 different sites on their bodies plus 512 men who didn’t […]

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Study Finds Hope For Aspirin As Colon Cancer Treatment
By Catherine Roberts Health Studies in the News

Study Finds Hope For Aspirin As Colon Cancer Treatment

There may be a new treatment for colon cancer- Aspirin. It has been thought to improve colon cancer survival rates, but doctors did not know why. A new study delved into it and came up with surprising results. The study dates back to 1980, where 175,000 participants were documented every two years. During that time, […]

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Woman With Leukemia Humiliated While Taking Last Vacation
By Jim Greene Trending Health News

Woman With Leukemia Humiliated While Taking Last Vacation

A 34 year old from Roseville, Michigan was diagnosed with leukemia and given about 4 months to live. She decided to take what might be her last trip. She was on her way to Hawaii. According to the woman the TSA Agents at the airport humiliated her. She was forced to remove bandages holding her […]

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