Common Spine and Joint Health Assessments
The more you know about conditions affecting the spine and joints, the easier it is to get the correct diagnosis and maximize your quality of life.
7 min read
The more you know about conditions affecting the spine and joints, the easier it is to get the correct diagnosis and maximize your quality of life.
7 min read
Bunions can be quite painful as well as a cosmetic issue. But are they treatable, and even preventable? Whether you have bunions or are at risk of them, here is everything you should know!
4 min read
Bunions can be painful and the wrong pair of shoes can cause even more pain. Even worse, they can make the bunion grow larger too! This is why wearing the proper footwear is so essential. In this article, we uncover the top factors to consider when shoe shopping as well as some of the best shoes to wear with bunions.
5 min read
The shoulder is one of the most versatile joints in the body allowing us to perform even the most mundane tasks that we often take for granted! Because we use our shoulder so much, it’s also prone to injury. Here’s a look at the most common causes and remedies for shoulder pain.
6 min read
Dealing with knee pain is never fun and that’s why determining the root cause as soon as possible is vital if you want to get on the road to recovery. Let’s explore some of the most common causes of knee pain in seniors.
6 min read
Whether it’s from repetitive movement or even not moving around for long periods of time, bursitis can occur. Let’s take a closer look at what causes bursitis and what you can do about it.
5 min read