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Tips on How to Move Forward with a Chronic Illness
By Kimberly Munoz Your Health

Tips on How to Move Forward with a Chronic Illness

Life with chronic illness can get a little overwhelming, but it’s not all doom and gloom. There are things we can do to take back control of our life and it starts with a positive mindset! Here are some tips on what I do to help move forward with a chronic illness, including how to start the year off right!

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5 min read

How to Survive the Holidays with a Chronic Illness
By Kimberly Munoz Your Health

How to Survive the Holidays with a Chronic Illness

The holiday season has arrived! While it’s an exciting time for us all, for some people it brings a whole lot of challenges. This is especially the case for someone like Kimberly Munoz who struggles with a chronic illness. Here are her tips on how to balance it all and get through this holiday season.

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