Remedies for Paronychia (Nail Infection)
In most instances, paronychia is easily treatable, but severe infections can potentially spread to the surrounding bones of the hands and feet and require surgical intervention.
6 min read
In most instances, paronychia is easily treatable, but severe infections can potentially spread to the surrounding bones of the hands and feet and require surgical intervention.
6 min read
While not serious, weak and brittle nails will break and chip easily which can be a major annoyance. Poor nail health can also affect the texture, color, clarity, and overall appearance of nails. Thankfully, the best way to promote healthy nails is also the easiest! Start by eating these 14 foods on a regular basis…
8 min read
Petroleum jelly is a staple in many households. And it’s easy to see why! It’s a versatile substance with many uses, including moisturizing skin and unlocking frozen locks. Let’s explore the many uses of petroleum jelly!
5 min read
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes a rapid buildup of cells on the skins surface. This results in a number of itchy, scratchy, and overall uncomfortable symptoms, including these 10.
6 min read
Ever wonder what those strange marks or color on your fingernails mean? We look into 14 common health-related conditions that show symptoms in our fingernails.
8 min read
We all experience stress at certain times in life—due to the demands of family or work or even social obligations. However, chronic stress and a barrage of cortisol (and other stress hormones) constantly circulating within the body can take a serious and unhealthy toll.
8 min read