Healthy Hobbies Seniors Should Try This Winter
Hobbies are a great way to take care of your physical and mental well-being. If you’re ready to enjoy the winter season then give these healthy winter hobbies for seniors a try!
5 min read
Hobbies are a great way to take care of your physical and mental well-being. If you’re ready to enjoy the winter season then give these healthy winter hobbies for seniors a try!
5 min read
The global fitness industry will generate over US$80 billion in revenue in 2023, estimates suggest. And why not, given the many excellent reasons to exercise? Better cardiovascular health, lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, stronger immune system – the list goes on. One of the biggest reasons many people choose to exercise is to lose […]
5 min read
Climate change, a high prevalence of chronic diseases and alarming levels of physical inactivity are three of the central challenges we face in the 21st century. The increased frequency, duration and intensity of heat waves is one of the undeniable signs that climate change is well underway. According to the various climate scenarios, by the […]
4 min read
Humans need less sleep than our closest evolutionary relatives. However, we often sleep less than we need. Needing less sleep is a consequence of our ancestors’ choices to remain awake longer — a behaviour that led to evolutionary benefits. Sleeping less than we need is the result of our modern-day choices to remain awake longer, […]
5 min read
The health benefits of physical activity are undeniable. Yet, a recent study based on data published over the past 30 years challenges the famous adage Mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body) and questions the importance of exercise for both brain health and cognition. A few days after that study […]
5 min read
Ready to achieve your fitness goals and live a healthier, happier life? Discover how the right personal trainer can help you get there!
4 min read