Effective Home Remedies for Tonsil Stones
Anyone can develop tonsil stones and some people might not even be aware they have them. Here’s a rundown of what tonsil stones are and what you can do to treat them at home.
5 min read
Anyone can develop tonsil stones and some people might not even be aware they have them. Here’s a rundown of what tonsil stones are and what you can do to treat them at home.
5 min read
Toenail fungus is a common fungal infection of the toenail. It’s also contagious which is why getting it under control is crucial. Thankfully there are a variety of effective home remedies you can try!
5 min read
Thyroid problems are quite common and while they are usually controlled with medication, there are also some DIY natural remedies that could help, including these 13.
6 min read
While commercial repellents can be quite effective, they’re often full of harmful chemicals. The good news is that there are natural alternatives that can be easily made at home with essential oils and other organic ingredients. They’ll smell far better and work just as well as the store-bought options.
3 min read
Work and stress often go hand-in-hand. Between the time pressure of deadlines, multi-tasking, and the challenges of managing relationships with co-workers and bosses, both the body and the mind can become quite bogged down. Since we spend a considerable amount of our lives in the workplace, it’s important to learn self-care tips for de-stressing while […]
4 min read
Smell that? It’s funny how certain smells can evoke all sorts of feelings and memories. However, it turns out that certain smells can also improve your health and enhance your happiness. Studies show that getting a whiff of the following eight scents will instantly benefit your wellbeing. So take a deep breath… 1. Jasmine Brew […]
3 min read