Foods That Are Rich Sources of Folate
Folate is an essential nutrient that, among several other functions, helps the body with the production and regeneration of cells. We look into 8 foods that are rich in folate.
4 min read
Folate is an essential nutrient that, among several other functions, helps the body with the production and regeneration of cells. We look into 8 foods that are rich in folate.
4 min read
Many people have never heard of prebiotics, let alone what their function is. Essentially, they are a type of fiber that feeds friendly probiotic bacteria, allowing them to function more effectively. Therefore, it’s just as important to consume enough prebiotics as probiotics. But where can you find them? The following are eight excellent food sources.
4 min read
While none of us like it, we’ve all been guilty of throwing out food at some point or another. To avoid this from happening in the future, here are some tips on food storage to avoid unnecessary spoilage.
7 min read
The foods you eat can affect your body in other ways than weight and nutritional needs—they can also cause you to smell good or bad as your body metabolizes them. In particular, these 8 foods can leave those around you turning up their noses in your presence.
6 min read
It shouldn’t surprise you that many of the “comfort” foods we’re drawn to in times of stress—fast food, refined sweet, and process carbohydrates—often end up exacerbating our stress levels rather than soothing them. So rather than seeking temporary emotional anesthesia with a chocolate bar that will quickly wears off, try noshing on these ten foods with naturally-calming properties.
4 min read
Diet plays an important part in your cholesterol levels as it can both raise and lower your numbers, so we’ve decided to look into the best 12 LDL cholesterol lowering foods you should enjoy!
6 min read