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Medically Reviewed

Beste Superfoods für Diabetes
By ActiveBeat Deutsch Fitness & Ernährung

Beste Superfoods für Diabetes

Wir alle wissen, dass es wichtig ist, sich gesundheitsbewusst zu ernähren. Das gilt umso mehr für Menschen, die mit einer Krankheit wie Diabetes zu tun haben. Es ist auch wichtig, daran zu denken, dass nicht alle Lebensmittel den gleichen Nährwert haben. Zum Beispiel sind alle Gemüsesorten gut für uns, aber Grünkohl ist besser als Eisbergsalat. […]

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6 min read

Low Carb but Filling Lunch Ideas
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Low Carb but Filling Lunch Ideas

A low-carb diet has many benefits. But when it comes to eating a low-carb lunch, it can either leave you feeling energized and refueled or lethargic. The secret is to enjoy meals you actually want to eat full of energizing ingredients that keep you full. Here are 10 low-carb but filling lunch ideas you should try!

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5 min read

Problemas de saúde que causam tontura e farão a sua cabeça pirar
By ActiveBeat Português Condições Comuns

Problemas de saúde que causam tontura e farão a sua cabeça pirar

Acontece com todos nós de vez em quando — ficamos um pouco tontos ao ponto de termos que nos apoiar em algo. Bom, talvez não com todo mundo, mas muitos de nós, de vez em quando, temos a sensação de estarmos fora do eixo. Essa sensação pode ser algo temporário ou pode ser um problema […]

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9 min read