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Healthy Miracles of Winter Yoga
By Emily Lockhart Fitness News & Advice

Healthy Miracles of Winter Yoga

Shorter, colder days, and longer, freezing nights are just what the winter season ordered. Let’s face it;  when it comes to staying active and healthy, winter is often dubbed the “season of hibernation”. However, you may change your mind and dust the cobwebs off of your yoga mat when you consider these eight healthy miracles […]

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Study Links Yoga to Reduction of Mental Stress Disorders
By Emily Lockhart Health Studies in the News

Study Links Yoga to Reduction of Mental Stress Disorders

After a particularly stressful workday many of us turn to yoga to unwind and calm the nerves. Same goes with menstrual cramps, many women do a little downward dog in order to ease the pain. Well a new study from the Duke University Medical Center has now found that that yoga does has positive effects […]

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