Bottle vs. Tap: Facts About Your Drinking Water
There’s no need to be confused any more. With these 10 facts about your drinking water, you’ll be better informed about the water you drink and where you get it from.
6 min read
There’s no need to be confused any more. With these 10 facts about your drinking water, you’ll be better informed about the water you drink and where you get it from.
6 min read
Are people born smart or do they acquire intelligence through hard work and perseverance? It’s a tough question, but a recent study has found that giving people the impression that the latter is true can help them strive towards and achieve success. Researchers at Michigan State University recently studied brain responses to various messages. Participants […]
2 min read
I always feel so classy when I drink champagne. Not because I swill expensive bottles of bubbly, but because I drink it so rarely compared to wine. Now I’m a big proponent of drinking red wine for the cardio-vascular benefits. I don’t overdo it, but I’m known to enjoy a glass pretty much daily with […]
3 min read
We’ve all felt the tightening and heart-thumping effects of stress—be it job stress, financial stress, or being pulled over for driving too fast. However, many individuals confuse stress and anxiety, two very different responses.
3 min read
The percent of women who choose a mastectomy to treat early breast cancer is on the rise. In fact; numbers indicate that women are more prone to opt for the surgical removal of one or both breasts versus the less invasive lumpectomy, in which only a discrete lump is removed surgically. Why? Because they are […]
2 min read
Milk allergies are more than just lactose intolerance. The two terms cannot be used interchangeably because they are two different things. Both milk allergies and lactose intolerance can present the same symptoms, but milk allergies involve the immune system whereas lactose intolerance involved the digestive system, according to Milk allergies can include symptoms such […]
2 min read