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Negative Effects of Sugar on the Brain
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Negative Effects of Sugar on the Brain

Although the brain does require a certain amount of sugar in order to function properly, this type is known as glucose and is found naturally in foods like fruits and grains. It’s fructose, sugar that’s added to processed foods and beverages, that is of far more concern, as consuming excess amounts of it can have long-term negative effects—including these five.

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Sweet Alternatives to Refined Sugar
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Sweet Alternatives to Refined Sugar

Americans consume an average of 350-calories per day in sugars, and that eating high levels of refined sugar can negatively impact your health (and lead to diabetes). You can still enjoy a sweet treat that contains natural sugars – and here are six “good” sugar sources to turn to the next time you have a craving.

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Consuming Fructose Intensifies Food Cravings, Study Suggests
By ActiveBeat Author Trending Health News

Consuming Fructose Intensifies Food Cravings, Study Suggests

A new study suggests that fruit sugars, such as fructose, may actually intensify our cravings for high-calorie and unhealthy foods. The study, which involved just two-dozen volunteers, was carried out by researchers at the University of Southern California. Participants were given a cherry-flavored beverage that contained either gluctose or fructose. They were not told which […]

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Study Explores Impact of Consuming Beverages with High Fructose Corn Syrup
By ActiveBeat Author Trending Health News

Study Explores Impact of Consuming Beverages with High Fructose Corn Syrup

A new study shows it doesn’t take long for sugary beverages to have a negative impact on our physical well-being. In fact, the study reveals that consuming such drinks for just two weeks can have a visible effect on cardiovascular health. The study, which was carried out by nutritional researchers at the University of California, […]

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