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Mental Health

Signs You’re an Introvert
Medically Reviewed by Greg Dorter, RP Your Health

Signs You’re an Introvert

Contrary to superstition, introverts don’t dislike the company of others. However, too much exposure to crowds and loud noises can overwhelm these sensitive souls. They typically need to rest during social events, and they prefer spending time alone regularly. If you’re wondering if you may fall into the introspective tribe, consider the following signs. 

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6 min read

Tips for Dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Medically Reviewed by Greg Dorter, RP Your Health

Tips for Dealing with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that causes obsessive thoughts and urges or compulsive, repetitive behaviors. Not only that, but these thoughts and behaviors are more than nail biting or worry, they can be so severe that they cause severe anxiety and have a major impact on someone’s life. For those who need it, we’ve compiled a list of some helpful tips on how to better deal with OCD.

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9 min read

Psychopath vs. Sociopath: What’s The Difference?
By Katherine George Your Health

Psychopath vs. Sociopath: What’s The Difference?

While they are technically diagnosed under the umbrella of antisocial personality disorder, there are some key differences between these disorders. To get better informed on the subject, we’ve created an article to compare psychopaths to sociopaths outlining all the differences, and even some similarities.

Read More about Psychopath vs. Sociopath: What’s The Difference?

9 min read