Should You Workout When Sore?
Sore muscles can be a good thing as it’s often a sign that you’re getting stronger. But should you continue to workout when sore? Physiotherapist, Eric Leckie, shares his best advice for this situation!
4 min read
Sore muscles can be a good thing as it’s often a sign that you’re getting stronger. But should you continue to workout when sore? Physiotherapist, Eric Leckie, shares his best advice for this situation!
4 min read
Out of breath after completing simple tasks? You might be out of shape. Let’s look at 7 common signs you may be out of shape!
4 min read
Do you want to build strength and tone your upper body? All you need to do is target the right muscles during your workouts and complete the appropriate amount of reps and sets to sculpt and tone your muscles. Give these 16 exercises a try!
5 min read
Are you striving for a toned and sculptured stomach? The muscles that help create this ideal physique are your obliques. Gives these 10 exercises a try to help tone your oblique muscles!
4 min read
Whether you’re after a new challenge or a better way to burn calories and sculpt your body, both yoga and Pilates can help you achieve your fitness goals. While they may seem similar on the surface, there are some key differences you should know!
4 min read
Whether you’re running a marathon or going on a quick sprint around the block, it’s important to fuel your body with the right foods. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at when you should eat before your run, the types of foods you should include in your pre-workout meal as well as a few foods you should avoid.
4 min read