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Brilliant Beautifying Benefits of Tea

4 min read

By Catherine Roberts

Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE

Many of you could have guessed that with all of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of tea, it would be an obvious beauty ally. Let’s explore the many age-fighting, blemish banishing, complexion brightening, and puff-preventing perks of this multi-purposed brew…

Soothe Sunburn

If your skin has harnessed a few too many of the sun’s scorching rays, you can undo some of the damage left behind with green tea. Simply draw a cool bath and drop in a few green tea bags for brewing. Immerse inflamed areas in the refreshing bath water for comforting, therapeutic soak.

According to a research study conducted by Dr. Stephen Hsu, of the Department of Oral Biology and Maxillofacial Pathology, at the Medical College of Georgia, green tea contains a cocktail of potent polyphenols (particularly epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG), which can trigger the rejuvenation of damaged skin cells. Dr. Hsu notes that the majority of premature aging (roughly 90-percent) is the result of free radical/UV radiation damage.

Enhance Skin’s Appearance

It turns out that green tea isn’t the only super brew. Kombucha has been touted as the “tea fungus of life” by celebrities (i.e., Mary-Kate Olsen) and beauty manufacturers (i.e., Oak Bay Naturals). Kombucha is a type of yeast fermented into black tea. It’s jam-packed with antioxidants and vitamin-E—both well-known natural skin enhancers.

Although the scientific verdict is still out on the proven benefits of kombucha, Los Angeles-based dermatologist, Dr. Patricia K. Farris, of Old Metairie Dermatology, says that kombucha is rich in both antioxidant and probiotic properties, which makes it a natural detoxifier, skin hydrator, and means to improved skin clarity, texture, tone, and elasticity.

Lighten and Brighten Dull Locks

Don’t waste money on pricy hair lightening treatments if you have a box of chamomile tea in your panty. That’s right; many blondes or brunettes with envious golden hues harness their gilded locks from pre-shampooing with this calming brew.

Professional hair stylists claim that chamomile tea will become mildly acidic when slow-brewed (let bags sit for at least 15-minutes) and then chilled in the fridge. When applied as a pre-shampoo a few times weekly, acids in chamomile tea seal the hair cuticle and reflect more light, giving locks a shiny, sun-kissed appearance. Just be sure to let hair dry in the sun.

Banish Puffy Bags Under Eyes

We’ve all suffered a few nights of restless sleep followed by a day of touting around puffy under-eye baggage. To banish that tired look, Kansas-city based dermatologist and Dermadoctor Skincare founder, Dr. Audrey Kunin, recommends steeping a pair of black or green tea bags and then popping them in the fridge to chill overnight.

Dr. Kunin claims that applying a tea bag under each tired eye the following morning will constrict the blood vessels under your peepers and magically reduce the excess fluids within. The powerful EGCG polyphenols in the tea will also work to smooth the under-eye area for a brighter, more streamlined appearance.

Prevent Skin Cancer

We know that green tea is jam-packed with polyphenols, which aid in the repair of DNA as well as prevent non-melanoma skin cancers caused by UV exposure. This is why a study published in the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, recommends sipping 2 to 4-cups of green tea daily as a natural alternative for photo-protection.

Additionally, a National Institutes of Health study found that the rich polyphenols in green tea helped reduce inflammation caused by acute ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage. Study volunteers were treated with either a green tea extract or alternate remedy and then exposed to solar simulated radiation. Those treated with green tea extracts suffered the fewest adverse effects of sunlight.

Natural Skin Moisturizer

If you’ve recently added an influx of tea-based moisturizers to your beauty arsenal—such as green tea moisturizer and jasmine tea moisturizer—you’re not alone. Body and face lotions infused with tea extracts provide rich moisturizing and effective dry skin hydrating abilities.

Research from the National Institutes of Health considers the use of tea extracts in cosmetic beauty formulations (i.e., skin lotions) as safe and effective.  The polyphenolic compounds in green and black tea provide similar protective and moisturizing benefits for the skin and cell rejuvenation as they do for the function and protection of internal organs.


Julie Ching is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator in Los Angeles. She decided to become a Dietitian after traveling through Europe, South America, and Asia and discovered a passion for food. She now works with people of all ages and varying disease states to improve their health. She is passionate about teaching people about nutrition so they can live their best life while still considering their cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.

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