Health Enterprises Inc. is a successful manufacturer that is leading the market in morning and motion sickness treatments. The product they are offering is a band that allows for a safe and effective treatment that reduces the effects on motion sickness and morning sickness.
These wonderful products works by using acupressure to trigger areas of your wrist and offering the relief that you need. You can purchase these products around the world in your local grocery store and drug stores. This is achieved by using special Acu-straps that are part of the band.
Morning sickness affects nearly half of pregnant women. It tends to stop at the 12th week of pregnancy, but it can start only a few days after conception. It is one of the most notable symptoms of pregnancy. The cause of morning sickness is thought to be the increasing levels of estrogen. Scientists believe that morning sickness is actually a trait humans evolved to protect the unborn child from mothers eating foods that could damage their development. Many pregnant women find themselves sick at certain food smells.
Acupuncture has been found to be an effective treatment for the treatment of morning sickness.
Sources: Biomed Me, Acupuncture Today