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25 Health and Fitness-Infused Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

11 min read

By Emily Lockhart

Mom’s the BEST! That’s why a bouquet of last minute flowers or a handmade photo frame with a picture of the two of you just won’t do (and it’s only charming if you’re under age 10)!

We want to make mom happy and healthy, and make sure she’s in our lives for a really, really, REALLY long time. So regardless of if your mama is a kitchen queen, a gardening maven, a tea-sipping queen, or a yoga diva—mom’s the word on these great fitness- and health-inspired gift ideas…

1. Exotic Dark Chocolate

Oftentimes you can’t go wrong with a classic gift, like chocolate. Particularly if mom has a sweet tooth. Well, no offence against tradition, but a box of milk chocolate truffles just isn’t the healthiest of gifts. But if you must make it dark and make it special by choosing something exotic.

According to Boston-based nutritionist, Dana Greene, RD, nibbling on dark chocolate can satisfy mom’s sweet tooth while helping to eradicate free radicals, damaging elements that contribute to conditions, like heart disease. But again, make it special by paying a little extra for a deep, rich bar of sustainably made dark chocolate made with fair trade beans and organic ingredients, like ginger, chili, orange, cranberry, mint, or almonds. I’m a HUGE fan of Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups since I have a casein allergy (to cow milk protein).


2. A Intro Membership to Local Yoga Studio

If you’re like me, your mom has been complaining about her knees lately and you’ve been telling her to try yoga. However, moms never like to admit when they’re a little gun shy to try something new, particularly to their kids.

So do what I did and buy mom an introductory month’s worth of classes at a local yoga studio (I bought one for me to so I could go with her). You can opt for a specialized class (i.e., mom and daughter or yoga for stronger bones) or you can pay for a one-on-one experience so mom can get her technique and poses down before she joins a group class. And if mom’s not ready for a class, sign her up for an introductory 3-month plan for $20 USD with Gaia so she can try unlimited, on demand classes online and learn what style suits her best.


3. Ahhhh…Aromatherapy Set

Ok, so the verdict may be still out concerning the effectiveness of aromatherapy. However, we can agree that certain smells bring about feelings of peace, happiness, tranquility, and even liveliness. Just think of the last time mom made her famous chocolate chip cookies.

Now take that smell experience and put it to good use in a gift that will make mom zen out. Gift her a pretty basket of yummy-scented essential or aromatherapy oils that can be applied to her nighttime bath and self-care routine.


4. Gifts that Give Back

It’s true that most moms are often so busy doing things for others that they leave little time to do good things for themselves. It’s time to do good for the do-gooder moms out there by giving a gift that charitable moms will feel really good about getting.

The charity organization Every Mom Counts, aids pregnant women around the world and helps make childbirth safer everywhere.  You can buy mom a lovely bracelet, tote bag, fitness tights, or stylish t-shirt (just like the one founder, Christy Turlington Burns, is wearing in the image), and a portion of the proceeds will help the charity.


5. Massage or Spa Gift Certificate

Every woman deserves to be pampered, moms especially! So get mom a gift certificate for R and R and let her pick her favorite method of relaxation…aromatherapy hot soak, facial, or massage.

According to research from the Mayo Clinic massage is a potent wellness tool with several benefits, including reducing anxiety, pain due to fibromyalgia, chronic digestive disorders, insomnia, joint pain, headaches, sleep disorders, mood disorders and more.


6. Foam Roller

If mom runs, power walks, or even gardens she likely has sore, tight muscles after a long afternoon of weed pulling and planting. However, studies show a self-myofascial release session with a foam roller can do much to loosen and lengthen muscle stiffness and keep mom’s connective tissue strong and healthy and healthy.

A study from the National Institutes of Health measured the effectiveness of myofascial rollers found that post exercise fatigue and muscle sorriness were significantly reduced after foam rolling.


7. Scented Sleep Mask

A sleep mask, or cooling eye mask, may seem a little luxurious to buy for yourself. So chances are mom doesn’t already have one, and you’ll get bonus points for creativity.

Pair an eye mask scented with lavender (like this lovely U.S.-made, lavender filled sleep aid from Dream Essentials) or chamomile with the gift of some scented candles and send mom off to slumber and rejuvenate. Studies from the National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health show that inhaling herbal scents, like lavender, before sleep can reduce insomnia.

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8. A Locally-Sourced Meal

Often the gift of time and effort is the most appreciated. And mom doesn’t actually care how much you spend. She just wants some quality time with her family.

So so some good for the environment while giving mom and sampling of local sourced produce, herbs, farm-raised meats, and even pop the cork on a local wine when you prepare her a heartfelt, delicious home-cooked meal. After all, the head chef always appreciates a night off from the kitchen.


9. DIY Kombucha Kit

Is your mom a bit of a super food junkie? Maybe she’s already boarded the kombucha train. This fermented, probiotic-rich beverage boasts all sorts of benefits–including improved mood, mental focus, and digestion.

Starting at $45 USD you can give mom a cost-effective and fun way to brew her new favorite super beverage with this kombucha kit from Kombucha Brooklyn. It contains instructions on how to make kombucha for newbies, plus everything mom will need to make her first 1/2-gallon batch. After that, she can use the SCOBY (mother or kombucha culture) to make kombucha, just by adding her own tea and sugar to continue making kombucha forever.


10. Wake-up Light

No doubt, mom needs more sleep. However, you can make her raise and shine a little brighter with the gift of a wake up alarm clock light. This alarm literally mimics the raising sun, providing a gentle rousing versus a jarring bounce out of bed.

I personally like this machine, care of the Philips Wake-Up Light HF3470 ($99.99 USD), because it gradually increases light intensity for 30 minutes until the room is flooded with a bright and cheery natural-looking sunlight. This way mom’s body can adjust and prepare to rise gently. It also plays nature sounds (i.e., chirping birds) and will make mom feel like she’s a queen in a Disney movie.


11. Better Athletic Socks

My mom bought me and my brother a package of socks, year after year, for every holiday imaginable. And you know what, we always loved getting new socks!

If mom hikes, power walks, runs, or spins she’ll love the serious foot pampering a few pairs of athletic socks offer. Invest in a few really good pairs of stylish ankle socks with wicking material, which lift moisture from the skin to prevent chaffing and blisters. These fancy pieces of footwork from Powersox P.S. Collection ($9 per pair USD) also offer, toe seems, ventilation panels, and an inspirational message to help keep mom motivated and moving forward (i.e., “This is Your Day”, “Believe You Can”).


12. Fit Bracelet Cover

Wearing a fitness tracker doesn’t have to be a fashion faux pas! Help mom stay fit while remaining stylish with this flirty, colourful (it comes in fuchsia or navy with a funky geometric print) Fitbit Bracelet cover by Tory Burch ($38 USD).

This way mom can go from office to errands to workout mode while wearing this super-cute bracelet that tucks her Fitbit tracker away from sight. So she can continue to count her steps all the while being classic, stylish mom.


13. Vegetable Spiral Slicer

Is mom all about cleaner eating? Has she suddenly adopted the Paleo or plant-based diet? Or is she gone full on vegetarian or vegan? Then gifting the #1 woman in your life a veggie spiral slicer will win you major brownie (or carrot) points! Even if mom is just aiming to incorporate more veggies into her diet, the benefits of adding more colourful  produce in lieu of fewer processed gains promises her major health gains.

I, personally, own and love the Veggetti ($14 USD) veggie spiral slicer because it turns zucchini, cucumber, carrots, and more into plant-based noodles, juliennes, and stir-fries. Plus, you can adjust the super sharp stainless-steel blades for thicker or thiner veggie slices. Regardless of the brand you go with, choose one that’s dishwasher safe and BPA-free!


14. Fruit-Infusion Pitcher

Sometimes water can be so…boring. Infuse mom’s hydration routine with a fruit-filled blast! A fruit infusion pitcher will do just that while motivating mom drink more water throughout her day.

The Prodyne Iced Fruit Infusion Pitcher can be tucked away in mom’s fridge for under $20 USD. The fruit-infusion rod allows mom to add her favorite fruits and veggies (cucumber, lemon, mango, strawberries, and more). This water pitcher is also BPA free, and most importantly, will make mom’s office feel like a spa every time she reaches for a glass of H2O!


15. Wine of the Month Club

If you’re an avid reader of this site, you know how we can go on and on about the health benefits of drinking wine (it’s mainly self serving). And the experts agree that drinking wine in moderation is good for the heart. When it comes to many mom, a heart-healthy gift of wine can be the gift that keeps on giving.

Sign mom up for a wine club. Delivery times vary per club, but this Wall Street Journal Discovery Wine Club delivers 15 different world class wines for $69.99 from renowned wineries in California, France, Italy and beyond. Suppliers vary per state (US only). This will allow mom to taste the intricacies of various wine, and enjoy a heart-healthy glass every night.


16. Smoothie Maker

Let’s face it; even mom is often far too busy to ensure she’s reaching her daily recommended fruit and veggie requirements (2 to 4 servings of fruit and 3 to 5 veggie servings per day, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture). However, gifting her a handy, nutritious smoothie maker might be the cure.

I ope for the NutriBullet for less than $130 USD. Suddenly mom can whip together a delicious breakfast or snack encompassing all the essential nutrients in seconds flat! Recipes are included and this machine comes with interchangeable cups so mom can just mix and go.


17. Tea Notes

I know I’m not supposed to pick favourites, but if you really want to know what I’m getting my mom for a Mother’s Day gift this year, it’s hands down the comforting, warm embrace of tea. My mom loves tea…chamomile, green, mint, liquorice! If yours does too, you’re in luck with Tenota.

Tenota will add a air of love and personalization to mom’s afternoon or before bed brew. Simply visit, select a brew, and type out a loving message for each bag. Every time mom brews a cuppa from here on out, she’ll be reminded of how much she means to you!


18. Healthy Snacker

If mom carries around a literal arsenal of granola bars, mixed nuts, and healthy goodies in her purse I urge you to give her shoulder a rest and “bestow” her a smorgasbord of nutritious snacks. That’s right; sign that woman up for the Bestowed Box!

For a mere $20 per month (sorry, U.S. customers only), Bestowed will ship your mom an impressive assortment of healthy snacks and beverages, plus recipes and health tips all personally selected by Heather Bauer, a New York-based Registered Dietitian (RD), Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist (CDN), and author of the The Wall Street Diet.


19. DIY Body Scrub

Peppermint, coconut, coffee, and gingerbread…oh my! Mom is in for a nurturing treat when you gift her a DIY (do it yourself) body scrub. After taking such good care of you and your family, mom needs some “me time”!

Check out the free homemade sugar recipes from websites like the, which encourages the use of natural stub ingredients that you likely have in your pantry. Whip mom up a scrub with soothing staples like coconut oil, oatmeal, sugar, and salt salt, milk, and banana, and wrap your DIY scrub into a pretty glass bottle or mason jar with ribbon and a tag.


20. The Gift of a Good Night’s Sleep

Time to toss all those expensive, material gifts out the door! What mom really needs and really wants is a good night’s sleep. And according to Philadelphia-based doctor and sleep specialist, Dr. Marie Savard, the most cherished gift you can bestow a busy person is rest and rejuvenation.

A themed r and r Mother’s Day gift can start with the basics (i.e., a new cooling pillow) and range to more luxurious items (i.e., satin PJs). However, it’s the thought that mom will be dreaming about and thanking her sheep for. Better sleep is the key to reducing the risk of several chronic health conditions (i.e., cardiovascular disease).

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21. Personal Training Gift Certificate

Does mom require a little workout inspiration? Perhaps a few sessions with a personal trainer will correct her form and get her out of her fitness rut. Now, I would never gift my mom any sort of workout-themed gift certificates without her explicit interest. Otherwise, it could be construed as offensive.

However, if mom has quipped that her workout is getting old or that she’d like to learn how to use kettle bells…by all means, a few appointments with a personal trainer may be all she needs to reinvigorate her fitness routine, learn new technique, and get back on track with her goals.


22. Yoga Inspired Jewelry

Give word props to all the yoga-loving moms out there! After all, sometimes a little bling is what mom needs to get her breathing just right. Introducing the lovely “namaste” necklace ($75 USD), part of the capsule collection by Asha Patel Designs.

You can also find other yoga-themed designs (i.e., lotus flowers, mudra, mala beads, and an om symbol) as well as necklaces with word plates that read “breathe”, “carpe diem”, and “mom’s the word”. All necklaces have gold plated brass pendants and chains.


23. Cooking Specs

Chef Specs ($24.95 USD) are just what you think they are: magnifying glasses made especially for the gourmet-loving mom who’s getting a wee bit squinty in the kitchen. So give mom’s eyes a break and help her see those tiny measurements in her favorite cookbook.

Chefspecs can be cleaned in the dishwasher and they come in a convenient magnetic case that sticks right to the range hood or fridge door. However, mom’s favorite feature will no doubt be the handy defogger, which will let her stew over a pot of sauce without steaming up the lenses.


24. Herb Garden Kit

Winter is hard on everyone, including moms. However, if your mom perks up like a newly sprung bloom come spring, you may want to entice her into the lovely outdoors with gardening. Perhaps your mom enjoys reading among brilliant and colourful perennial and annual buds or maybe she would rather flex her green thumb in a vegetable garden all her own.

Start her off with an all-in-one herb garden kit, like this Culinary Classics Herb Collection ($26.95 USD) from It features plants perfect for mom’s favorite sauces and stews (i.e., thyme, sweet marjoram, basil, sage, rosemary, and oregano), and her particular growing zone. Check out the entire catalogue to stock up on soil, pots, plant food, and all of mom’s horticulture needs.


25. Proactive Skin Care Bling

Oh those Mom’s with envious alabaster complexions (or those with the desire to extend their youthful flawless glow) will appreciate the gift of JUNE ($129 USD), part stylish bracelet, part beauty coach. JUNE is worn like any other sleek leather wrap cuff. However, see that gold, platinum, or gunmetal jewel prism? It’s actually a proactive piece of sun-protecting technology.

This way mom can show off a stylish piece of jewelry from you—while keeping tabs on her sun exposure throughout the day. The bracelet’s sensor will track and send alerts right to mom’s smartphone using iOS  Bluetooth technology if her UV exposure is excessive.


Emily Lockhart


Emily Lockhart is a certified yoga instructor and personal trainer. She believes that being healthy is a lifestyle choice, not a punishment or temporary fix to attain a desired fitness or body image goal. Anna helps her clients take responsibility for their own health and wellness through her classes and articles on ActiveBeat.

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