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The 8 Healthy Habits of Happy People

3 min read

By Catherine Roberts

Did you know that happy people are healthier people? Studies consistently show that those with a “glass half full mentality” can boast lower blood pressure, less stress, healthier body weights, and stronger hearts than their less optimistic neighbors.

So see, there’s something to having a positive outlook on life. Here are eight ways that you can look on the bright side of a healthier life…

1. Turn That Frown Upside Down

You might notice that people more often gravitate to those with a sunnier disposition. However, the actual act of smiling emits serotonin (the happy hormone) and creates a, stimulating, positive environment. While frowning creates negative energy and drives people away.

2. Happy People Are Inspired Not Jealous

Instead of looking at your coworker with the expensive car and bigger job title with envy, positive people choose to look upon them as a source of inspiration by channeling that negative, pointless jealousy into a catalyst for their own success.

3. Don’t Play the Blame Game

We all know a person who blames everyone else for their problems. They’re not very nice to be around, are they? If you complain to everyone about how the economy, work, and the government are bringing you down, you will bring everyone down within earshot and suddenly find yourself alone with no one to blame.  Instead, take control of your current situation and be the harbinger of your own success.

4. Exercise Blasts Stress

There’s more than a physical reason why doctors recommend an hour of activity a day. It’s because healthy exercise helps blast stress, refresh oxygen, encourage blood flow, and even exposes us to sunlight (vitamin D), which literally helps us absorb happiness.

5. Forgive and Forget

Forgiveness may be hard to swallow, especially if your pride is in the way. However, forgiving means moving on, banishing negative, and making way for new, more positive chapters in your life. Otherwise, you stay in a state of negative limbo, never at peace to move on to a happier future.

6. Forget About the Past

If you consider a bad childhood, bad financial decisions made years ago, or a breakup as a negative self-fulfilling prophecy for your future, your future will be pretty gloomy. Instead, take life’s challenges as lessons, put them in your past, and consider yourself stronger for overcoming the negatives in your past.

7. Give Thanks

It turns out those with many blessings are grateful for those blessings. Take satisfaction for the good that’s come into your life. Give thanks by taking inventory of the positive as well as the challenges and what they’ve taught you along the way.  Building a foundation of optimism under your life will ensure a strong, bright future.

8. See the Silver Lining

Do you concentrate on the silver lining or see the dark spots in every cloud? If you’re constantly focusing on the negative—you’re actually wasting time that you could be enjoying life.  Thoughts full of doom and gloom will translate to life. However, focus your energy on the bright side and your life and future will take on the happy glow.

Catherine Roberts


Catherine is our go-to writer for women’s health news, diet trends and more. She’s dedicated to providing Activebeat readers with the information they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle every day.

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