Ways to Keep Feeling Young With Age
Generally speaking, the key seems to be eating well, stay active, and keeping a positive outlook about the present and the future!
4 min read
Looking for information specific to senior health? We have everything you need right here! From the latest studies and trends to reputable exercise and diet regimes, we’ll provide you with up-to-date, informative articles every week to help make staying healthy a little easier.
Generally speaking, the key seems to be eating well, stay active, and keeping a positive outlook about the present and the future!
4 min read
Today, September 21, 2016 marks World Alzheimer’s Day, a day to raise awareness of the most prevalent type of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease impairs mental functioning due to the progressive degeneration of the brain. The disease has no cure and no lasting treatment, and results in symptoms that typically include loss of speech, memory, problem-solving, and thinking abilities. More than 5 […]
1 min read
Current numbers estimate that more than 5-million Americans are suffering from Alzheimer’s, with the vast majority older than 65. Here are 8 promising breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s research.
5 min read
Some people are under the assumption that when you age, it’s time to slow down. However, medical science begs to differ. In fact, research shows that staying active can help you stay healthier and be happier into your golden years. If you’re no longer bogged down with the work projects that ate up most of your […]
4 min read
Alzheimer’s disease is not the only condition that affects brain functionality. In fact, Harvard researchers point out that more than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It’s a potentially dangerous mixup that can be avoided by knowing more about these other conditions.
4 min read