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Natural Ways to Boost Your Drive

6 min read

By Chris Brown

Adventurous couples have been known to seek out a little extra spice. There’s no telling how much time they could have saved by starting their search in the produce aisle at their favorite local grocery store. No prescription or photo ID required to enjoy the long-lasting benefits of the items on today’s grocery list.

You’d do well to approach your sex life as you approach anything healthy. It sure is beneficial for our overall health, stress levels, and emotional well-being. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, provided you wait until after you check out at the register.

Read ahead for a science-based list of natural and widely available ways to boost your drive today.

Dark Chocolate

Might as well get the obvious one out of the way. Not to be confused with its candy store equivalent, dark chocolate is rich in flavor and nutritional value. It’s a great source of iron, magnesium, zinc, and antioxidants.

It’s the treat that we most commonly associate with romance, and for good reason! Dark chocolate is an excellent source of drive accelerating chemicals like phenylethylamine and serotonin. Chemicals which have been known to both boost a person’s mood as well as their sense of excitement.

Gulsina / Shutterstock


Watermelon could be the undisputed king of natural drive-boosters. The sweet melon is loaded with vital, sexual health inducing nutrients like lycopene, citrulline, and more. Eating watermelon helps relax blood vessels in the body, not unlike over-the-counter erectile dysfunction (ED) meds like Viagra.

It’s worth noting that women trying to conceive should lay off the higher limits of watermelon consumption. Carotene is a known anti-estrogenic and watermelon is full of it.

Africa Studio / Shutterstock


Regular readers are more than familiar with the incredible health benefits of ginger. It’s affordable, widely available, and can reduce inflammation, fight off nausea, and cut cholesterol. Ginger actually does much more than that, as evidenced by its impact on bedrooms all over the world.

Whether ginger outright increases a person’s sex drive is still up for debate, but the positive affect it has on blood flow is a settled science. Ginger also contains properties that may help treat ED, as well as improve fertility in both men and women.

pilipphoto / Shutterstock


Zinc has long been linked to increased blood flow and testosterone regulation. Oysters are the most concentrated dietary source of zinc available. In fact, a single oyster can contain as much as 600 percent of the daily recommended dose of zinc.

The age-old tales touting the libido-enhancing properties of oysters ring true, but the same is true for a lot of shellfish. Clams, crabs, lobsters, and mussels all serve up a lot of zinc too.

Plateresca / Shutterstock


The key to salmon’s drive boosting properties is the ultra-high omega-3 fatty acid content. Omega-3 fatty acids are believed to elevate dopamine levels in the brain, which in turn elevates your mood. The deliciously desirable fatty acids are healthy for your heart, too.

In truth, any piece of fatty fish will boast a similar drive-boosting effect. So, if you’re sick of salmon, spice it up with sardines, tuna, or mackerel.

Marian Weyo / Shutterstock


The world is finally coming to grips with saffron’s role in the bedroom. The science has been settled for a while. For instance, a study from the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine touting saffron’s positive effect on all dimensions of erectile function came out in 2018. Furthermore, one from Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental reported impressive results in increasing women’s sexual desire when compared to those who took a placebo.

The popular spice is used to flavor all sorts of dishes, from risotto to kebabs. But those looking for a quick fix should be able to purchase saffron extract from their local supplement specialist.

Petar Bonev / Shutterstock


Poets have celebrated the fig’s erotic properties for centuries. As it turns out, the figs contribution to our overall sexual health is much more than symbolism. Figs are loaded with:

A close analysis of a fig will reveal high levels of zinc and magnesium. Both are essential building blocks of testosterone and other hormones that are predominantly associated with sex. The fruit’s strangely erotic appearance may have something to do with its reputation as well.

Fh Photo / Shutterstock


For when you’re looking to turn up the heat in more ways than one, choose hot peppers. They increase your metabolism, speed up your heart rate, stimulate your endorphins, and make you sweat. Sound familiar? They also contain capsaicin, which has been linked to increased blood flow and improved sexual outcomes.

Even mild pepper varieties may provide a boost. For instance, one large bell pepper can contain up to 600 percent of your daily recommended dose of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps blood circulation and is known to boost the female libido.

AlexeiLogvinovich / Shutterstock

Nuts and Seeds

Hemp seeds are a great source of magnesium, a serving of walnuts will boost your levels of L-arginine, and pine nuts and pumpkin seeds are both full of zinc. All of these critical dietary nutrients are:

Most of the nuts listed here serve as a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids too, the benefits of which we’ve already covered. All told, it’s safe to say that just about any nut you choose to consume should give you a natural leg up.

Dionisvera / Shutterstock

Red Wine

There’s a lot of evidence that touts the positive sexual health effects of the regular and moderate consumption of red wine. Even when you set aside the clear libido enhancing properties of alcohol, red wine stands tall.

Studies have shown that women who consume a moderate amount of red wine have higher sex drives than those who prefer cocktails. The same studies also link moderate red wine consumption to higher testosterone levels in men, as well as a higher libido in turn.

Africa Studio / Shutterstock

Pomegranate Juice

Forget apples, a daily serving of pomegranate juice keeps the doctor away. Hidden away in the seductively red liquid are a treasure trove of antioxidants that can help boost you and your partner’s moods. Additionally, it can aid in the production of testosterone and improve the circulation of your blood.

CreatoraLab / Shutterstock


There you have it, a science-based list of drive-boosting foodstuffs available at just about every modern grocery store. Chocolate, watermelon, ginger, red wine, sweet, savory, hot, and cold. There’s enough here to cater to every palette too.

A healthy sex life is linked to:

So, you’d do well to do everything you can to increase your drive naturally, in more ways than one. / Shutterstock

Writer, General Health

Chris is a Canadian who loves ice-hockey, espresso, and really long books. He’s an early riser that relies on a combination of meditation, yoga, indoor cycling, and long walks to keep fit. Chris is also a multi-platform content creator with a portfolio that includes terrestrial radio, television, the written word, and YouTube. For more content, check out his podcast, “Black Sheep Radio,” or follow @notTHATcb on Twitter and Instagram

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