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Exploring the Best Skin Psoriasis Treatments

4 min read

By Clarissa Vanner

Living with skin psoriasis poses unique challenges. This chronic condition leads to uncomfortable symptoms like itching, redness, and pain, impacting daily life. Although there is currently no cure, there are effective treatments that can help alleviate the symptoms. Fortunately, if you start a search online today, you can learn more about best the psoriasis treatments.

Topical Creams

One of the most common and accessible treatments for skin psoriasis is the use of topical creams. These creams are applied directly to the affected areas, targeting the inflammation and reducing the uncomfortable symptoms. Corticosteroid creams, for instance, are often prescribed to quickly alleviate itching and redness. Vitamin D analog creams are also an option and help to slow down skin cell growth, which is a key factor in psoriasis development.

Further, coal tar creams can effectively soothe and reduce scaling, while retinoid creams assist in normalizing skin cell turnover. These topical solutions provide a practical starting point for managing psoriasis, offering patients a convenient way to directly address the troublesome areas. However, it’s important to follow medical guidance when using these creams, as some may have potential side effects or require careful application.

Light Therapy

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is another effective treatment option for psoriasis. This treatment involves exposing the affected skin to specific wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light under controlled conditions. UVB light, in particular, has shown promising results in slowing down the rapid growth of skin cells and reducing inflammation.

Light therapy can be administered in various ways, such as through targeted UVB lamps, full-body light chambers, or even natural sunlight under medical supervision. One of the significant advantages of light therapy is its ability to cover larger areas of the body, making it suitable for patients with widespread psoriasis. It’s a non-invasive option that can provide noticeable improvements in skin symptoms, often leading to reduced redness, scaling, and itching. As with any treatment, a healthcare professional should determine the most appropriate light therapy approach based on individual needs and considerations.


For individuals dealing with moderate to severe psoriasis, or when other treatments prove ineffective, medication in the form of oral or injected drugs may be recommended. These systemic medications target the underlying causes of psoriasis by regulating the immune system or slowing down the excessive growth of skin cells. It’s important to note that some of these medications are intended for short-term use and may be alternated with other treatments due to their potential for serious side effects.

While these options can provide significant relief and symptom control, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider before starting any medication regimen. Each individual’s psoriasis is unique, and a doctor’s expertise is essential in determining the most suitable medicine and treatment approach based on specific needs and potential risks

Natural Remedies to Consider

If you’re seeking alternative approaches to managing psoriasis symptoms, several natural remedies have shown promise in providing relief. While these remedies may not replace medical treatments, they could offer some benefits and complement your psoriasis care routine. Here are a few natural options worth exploring:

  • Warm Baths: Soothe your skin with a warm bath, adding ingredients like Epsom salt, mineral oil, colloidal oatmeal, or olive oil to ease itching and irritation. Remember to keep your bathing routine mindful: limit showers to 5 minutes and baths to 15 minutes, use a moisturizing soap, and pat yourself dry to avoid aggravating your symptoms. Applying a moisturizer after your bath can help maintain skin hydration.
  • Aloe Vera Creams: Applying creams containing aloe vera plant extracts may help reduce discoloration, scaling, itching, and inflammation associated with psoriasis. Research suggests that aloe vera could alleviate symptoms, and it’s recommended to use creams containing up to 0.5% aloe vera, applied up to three times a day.
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Incorporating omega-3-rich foods like flaxseed oil, nuts, seeds, soy, and fatty fish into your diet may help decrease inflammation, a key factor in psoriasis. While evidence on the effectiveness of fish oil supplements is mixed, some studies indicate a potential benefit in improving skin conditions.
  • Turmeric: The active ingredient curcumin in turmeric has been studied for its potential to treat psoriasis. Research suggests curcumin could help manage symptoms, although more extensive studies are needed.
  • Oregon Grape: This antimicrobial herb has been found effective and safe in treating psoriasis symptoms. Ointments and creams containing Oregon grape extract are available and could offer relief, but make sure to consult your healthcare provider before use.

Learn More About Skin Psoriasis Treatments Today

With the right approach, managing psoriasis is possible. Remember, finding the most suitable treatment involves thorough research, thoughtful evaluation, and crucial discussions with your healthcare provider. Don’t delay—begin your search now to learn more about the best treatments available for psoriasis, and take the first step toward a more manageable and fulfilling life.

Junior Managing Editor

Clarissa is the Junior Managing Editor of ActiveBeat. She aspires to live a healthy lifestyle by staying active and eating foods that nourish her body, but she isn't afraid to indulge in a little chocolate here and there! Clarissa loves cooking, being outdoors, and spending time with her dog. In her free time, you'll find her relaxing in her hammock or curled up on the couch reading a book.

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