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Children’s health has always been an important element of health news. Here you will find all of the latest health news related specifically to children. From studies and trends to nutrition and recalls, we have all the information you need to keep your children healthy and happy.

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Signs and Symptoms of Hemophilia
By Catherine Roberts Children

Signs and Symptoms of Hemophilia

Hemophiliacs lack certain necessary coagulation factors in their blood—those necessary to turn the blood quickly from liquid into solid to stop bleeding. If bleeding continues, a hemophiliac can suffer bleeding for days following even a minor cut and require medication, a mesh plug, or a blood transfusion to stop bleeding. Here are the 10 major symptoms of hemophiliacs.

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7 min read

The Pros and Cons of Circumcising Your Baby Boy
By Emily Lockhart Children

The Pros and Cons of Circumcising Your Baby Boy

To circumcise or not circumcise your newborn son will be the first major health decision you’ll make on his behalf, a decision that will affect him well into adulthood. Until the 1970s, it was customary to circumcise most male babies born in North American. In fact; approximately 90-percent of all boy babies underwent the surgical […]

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3 min read

Early Signs of Hearing Impairment in Babies
By Catherine Roberts Children

Early Signs of Hearing Impairment in Babies

You might wonder as a parent, especially a first time parent, how you would know if your baby’s hearing was impaired. Sure, you can have your health care provider perform an audio screening exam. However, there are red flags that parents and caregivers can also be aware of that signal a baby’s hearing may be […]

Read More about Early Signs of Hearing Impairment in Babies

4 min read