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Children’s health has always been an important element of health news. Here you will find all of the latest health news related specifically to children. From studies and trends to nutrition and recalls, we have all the information you need to keep your children healthy and happy.

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6 Ways Cloth Diapers are Indisposable
By Jeff Hayward Children

6 Ways Cloth Diapers are Indisposable

It has been a long debate whether to go cloth or disposable as far as diapers are concerned—and while they both have their pluses, cloth seems to be gaining popularity in recent years, especially with younger parents who strive to be environmentally conscious (not to mention parents who also prefer the style choices that come […]

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4 min read

Worst Food Items in Your Child’s Lunchbox
Medically Reviewed by Julie Ching, MS, RDN, CDE Children

Worst Food Items in Your Child’s Lunchbox

Not only can some sugary items cause your child to “crash” part way through the school day or lose focus, they can also add empty calories with little to no nutritional benefits. Here are six items to avoid tossing into your child’s lunchbox, even if your child puts up a fuss!

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4 min read

5 Ways Social Media Contributes to Social Isolation
By Debbie McGauran Children

5 Ways Social Media Contributes to Social Isolation

In today’s modern society, thanks to the internet, social media and texting, people are more connected now than at any other time in history. However, people are also lonelier and more isolated in their non-virtual lives, according to social psychologist, Sherry Turkle. Instead of interacting in person and in real time, many people have turned […]

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3 min read

10 Reasons Why Obesity Is NOT About Gluttony and Sloth
By Kathi Cameron, MA, RCC Children

10 Reasons Why Obesity Is NOT About Gluttony and Sloth

There continues to be a belief within our popular culture that obesity is the simple result of eating too much and exercising too little (if at all). Sadly, many people still point the finger at obese folks for their circumstances without realizing the true facts about obesity. From experiencing verbal abuse from strangers on the […]

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6 min read