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A Breakdown Of The Myers-Briggs Personality Types

15 min read

By Katherine George

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality test that examines all the different personality types and how a person’s personality can dictate their strengths and preferences. You are able to learn which of the 16 personality types you are by taking a questionnaire. This test was developed by Isabel Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs and is based around their work on Carl Jung’s theory of personality types.

To find out which personality type you are closest to, you select one characteristic that resembles you best (it’s okay if both sound like you, just pick the one that you gravitate towards most) from each scale. There are four different scales:

Introverted (I) vs. Extroverted (E): Introverts feel overwhelmed after socializing with others for long periods of time. They need time alone to rest and recharge. Extroverts on the other hand gather energy from being around others. They tend to get restless after too much time alone.

Intuitive (N) vs. Sensing (S): Being intuitive means you’re someone who thinks about the big picture. You like to think about all the different possibilities, abstract theories, and are constantly looking into the future. People who fall into the sensing category are those who are very concerned with the present. They are detail oriented and enjoy facts and information that is useful.

Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F): If you’re a thinker, then you’re very rational. Decisions are made with logic and reason. Feeling constitutes anyone who makes decisions with their heart. They are relational and take into consideration how everyone involved would feel.

Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): Judging are people who like to create a plan of action. They don’t like to just whimsically do anything. These types of people are decisive and focused. Perceivers are the opposite. They don’t like to make plans and would rather just see where things go. They are laid back and adaptable.

Now that you’ve got a letter from each different scale, find out what personality trait they add up to. Here’s a detailed breakdown of all 16 Myers-Briggs personality types….

1. The Inspector (ISTJ: Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)

People who fall into this category are often quiet, reserved, and practical. They thrive in environments and tasks that involve organization and order like their home, work, family, and projects. Not surprisingly, one of the main characteristics of ISTJ’s are that they are planners, explains Very Well Mind. They enjoy planning activities well in advance. This goes hand in hand with the fact that they like order and organization. When this are disorganized or in disarray, they are unable to rest until everything is set straight.

They are also extremely responsible and realistic. They are very good at ignoring distractions and getting their work done. Lastly, they value tradition and law, and like to follow rules and procedures that have been put in place ahead of time. They do not like to stray far from the structured path. Due to the fact that they like environments that are clearly defined and tend to gravitate more towards factual information as opposed to anything abstract, ISTJ’s should consider a career that is very structured like accounting, computer programming, dentist, lawyer, or police officer, says Very Well Mind.

2. The Crafter (ISTP: Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)

You’ve probably already guessed this from the name, but ‘the Crafter’ is someone who likes to work with their hands. This is someone who would enjoy taking something apart just to learn how it works. Very Well Mind describes them as fiercely independent who enjoys working alone. They are typically quiet with a very easy, laid back attitude. Their ideal career would be in a field that allows them to work at their own pace, such as an engineer, scientist, carpenter, or electrician.

Some key characteristics of this personality type is that they are results oriented. They have a strong desire to figure things out and come up with a solution. They enjoy having new experiences and are often the type to engage in risk-taking behaviors or thrill-seeking adventures. Crafters often make judgements based on objective criteria than beliefs and values, and can sometimes be seen as insensitive. While they do still experience strong emotions, they are very level headed and good at distancing themselves from their emotions.

3. The Protector (ISFJ: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)

According to Very Well Mind, ISFJ’s are kind, warm-hearted, and reserved. While they are often quiet and introverted, they are extremely observant, good listeners, and find joy in seeing others achieve their goals. As a result, they are very in tune with the feelings of other people. Since they are such good listeners and supporters, they would do well in a career in mental health or the healthcare industry.

They are very detail oriented, reliable, and organized which means they also thrive in structured environments that require administrative or management work like a teacher, banker, or office manager. Ironically, even though ISFJ’s are good at understanding other people’s emotions, they aren’t as great at expressing their own. Rather than sharing their feelings, they tend to bottle them up and keep quiet about what’s bothering them so that they don’t burden others.

4. The Artist (ISFP: Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving)

ISFP’s are often referred to as the artist because they are very quiet, peaceful, and sensitive. They can be hard to get to know because instead of talking and sharing verbally, they tend to express themselves through creativity like painting, music, poetry, or some other form of self-expression. ISFP’s are very much the kind of person that lives in the now and doesn’t spend much time thinking about the future. They are sometimes described as “dreamers” or “doers.” Since they are introverted, they are quiet and reserved. They require time to rest and recharge after socializing with others. As such, they prefer to mingle in a smaller group of friends.

These types of personalities may be drawn to the outdoors or animals as they have a strong appreciation for nature. They prefer to focus on the present which means they thrive in careers that put them to work with practical, real-world problems, as well as jobs that allow them some personal freedom. Some examples of popular ISFP careers are an artist, musician, veterinarian, or psychologist.

5. The Advocate (INFJ: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)

This personality type is sometimes referred to as ‘the Advocate’ or ‘the Idealist’ because while they are typically very reserved, they tend to be advocates for how other people feel, hold high moral standards, and put a large focus on the future. They are often seen as creative, gentle, and caring by others. INFJ’s also have this incredibly rare ability to read people, like being able to tell how they are feeling before they say it. They’re deeply empathetic which is why other people are so drawn to them and tend to open up to them. INFJ’s are able to get even the unemotional person to open up to them. While they are introverts who prefer to people watch than be at the center of attention, they are able to form close relationships with people and enjoy helping others. However, like a true introvert, they also need time to recharge and rest after socializing.

They enjoy partaking in deep thoughts like the meaning of life and according to Very Well Mind, they are an extremely rare personality type sitting at about only 3-percent of the population. Despite their interest in thinking about these types of things, they aren’t daydreamers or philosophers, they just are doers. They want to make a change in the world, but are very realistic about the good and bad. They get high marks in school and have extremely varied interests. They could be incredibly well versed on varied topics from history to science of the arts. Since they are high achievers, but also creative they tend to choose careers like writer, musician, actor, artist, teacher, or photographer.

6. The Mediator (INFP: Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving)

Also sometimes described as ‘the Idealist,’ INFP’s are “introverted, idealistic, creative, and driven by high values,” says Very Well Mind. They are interested in taking the road less traveled and making the world a better place. They are extremely passionate. These personalities are interested in learning how they fit into the world and how it works so they can use their skills and assets to make it better. They are also incredibly interested in learning about other cultures, traveling, reading, and are likely quite active in movements like environmental protection or global humanitarian issues.

Among their key characteristics, the Mediator is quiet and reserved. Social situations tend to make them feeling incredibly drained. They prefer to spend a lot of time alone, not because they are shy but because this is how they recharge. Although, due to their incredible passion about humanity and the world, they can have a wide group of friends. Another characteristic of this personality is that they aren’t very detail-oriented. They like to go off their gut and intuition. While they do put a lot of effort into projects that they care about, they don’t necessarily rely heavily on the mundane details. As a result, their decisions are often based on emotions or concerns rather than objective information. Lastly, they like to keep their options open and not be boxed in by their choices, so they can be quite indecisive.

7. The Architect (INTJ: Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)

INTJ’s are abstract thinkers who put a great deal of emphasis on logic and objective information, not emotions. Life is like a big game of chess to them. They are constantly looking at all the options, moves, and what the effects might be for each one. The possibilities are endless and INTJ’s are great at making plans a reality.

There is no grey area with these this personality type. They are extremely direct in their thinking, intelligent, and even imaginative. They prefer things to be controlled and structured which means they also like to plan things far in advance. Since they often excel in subjects like math and science it’s not all that surprisingly that the most common career paths for this personality are either a scientist, mathematician, engineer, doctor, or lawyer. However, it’s important to note that their interests can lie outside of these subjects. They are extremely good at learning and understanding a wide range of subjects.

When it comes to socializing, architects are introverts at heart, so they aren’t interested in becoming the most popular person in the room. They are comfortable doing their own thing, but will have a small group of close friends that they care about. According to Teen Vogue, they only comprise about 2-percent of the population. So while you might not have an INTJ in your group of friends, you’ll likely feel the impact of one at some point in your life because they are great “innovators, inventors, and game-changers.”

8. The Thinker (INTP: Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving)

Teen Vogue describes this personality type as one of the brainiest of all 16 personalities. INTJ’s enjoy spending time alone and are often described as quiet and analytical. They want to know how everything works and are constantly looking for patterns to analyze or ways to explains any kind of phenomenon they find interesting. Knowing what the answer is often isn’t enough for these people. They are extremely focused on the how and why, as well. As a result, they thoroughly enjoy subjects like philosophy or sociology. Other popular career choices for these people are as a chemist, physicist, computer programmer, mathematician, or geologist.

While they are considered to be introverts who prefer to be alone and generally do not have a wide circle of friends, they do have a silly side that can come out when they are with their close friends. Thankfully, they don’t push their way of thinking on others, but prefer to engage with others who also enjoy an intellectual stimulating debate or conversation. Because of this, they tend to gravitate towards others who are similar to them, so unless you’re the brainy type, you probably don’t have one of these personality types in your friend circle.

9. The Persuader (ESTP: Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)

ESTP’s are effortlessly cool. They are very social with a big group of friends. While they are very logical people, they are also the kind of person who’d be a daredevil or risk taker and declare to “try anything once.” They despise sitting still for long periods of time. They don’t often structure themselves into plans because they like to keep their options open. Not much ruffles their feathers. ESTP’s are the type to keep their cool in a stressful situation and will even take charge to lead the group out of a crisis.

Despite their impulsive side, they are very logical. When confronted with a problem, they are very good at developing a solution. They are extremely observant and oftentimes “fast-talkers.” The ideal career for this personality type would be a sales agent, marketer, paramedic, or entrepreneur. Their biggest weakness is long term commitments, but they have a mysterious quality about them that draws people in and keeps them around.

10. The Director (ESTJ: Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)

This personality type has been deemed the director because they like to take charge of situations and are known for being very practical and concrete in their decision-making. They like to make sure things run smoothly and according to the rules, says Very Well Mind. They very much believe in tradition, standards, and laws, and expect others to as well. This causes them to be extremely critical towards people who don’t share the same sentiment as them. They don’t like when other people fail to live up to their high standards.

ESTJ’s like to maintain the status quo which is why they often become involved in civics, government and community organizations. They have lots of confidence and strong convictions. Since they have a strong urge to take charge, they often fall naturally into leadership positions, such as a police officer, military, judge, teacher, or banker. This personality type is quite predictable, stable, committed, and can be extremely honest and opinionated which causes others to sometimes see them as overly harsh or critical.

11. The Performer (ESFP: Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)

The performer is someone who lives up to their name. They are enthusiastic and energetic, with a unique ability to entertain the people around them. This entertainment might come in the form of a joke or even some kind of new adventure. These are the kind of people that were often referred to as a “class clown” back in their childhood. They are often extremely outgoing and like being in the spotlight which is why many ESFP’s end up working in the entertainment industry, writes Teen Vogue. Since they also have an eye for aesthetics and like being around people they might also be in the field of fashion or cosmetology.

Some of the key characteristics of ESFP’s are that they are hands-on learners and often don’t do well in the traditional classroom setting. They perform much better when they are able to interact with people and learn through experience. They very much live in the moment and don’t often think about long-term consequences. They are very good at perceiving other people and their feelings. This personality type can be quite warm and easygoing towards others, says Very Well Mind.

12. The Caregiver (ESFJ: Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)

The caregiver is also sometimes referred as the provider because they like to take care of others. They enjoy doing little acts of kindness for others, plan events that will bring people together, and very good at organization. You’d be someone who joined the school planning committee, planned a sleepover with friends, bake cookies for others, or start a discussion between people.

ESFJ’s have this unique ability to bond with children and making them feel important. As a result, the ideal career path for someone with this personality would be teaching, nursing, childcare, or social work. You feel totally at comfortable as an adult playing hide-and-go seek with the kids, and fall into the role of being a parent with ease. ESFJ’s are known for wearing their heart on their sleeve, being level headed, and always rocking a positive energy.

13. The Champion (ENFP: Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving)

This personality type is referred to as ‘the Champion’ because they are passionate about everything, literally everything. They are able to make new friends wherever they go, they have varied interests, love to read (even poetry), are interested in topics from religion to sci-fi. They have excellent people skills and will have no problem chatting to a stranger. As you’ve probably noticed, people with this personality are incredibly social and have a unique ability to connect with people. They are able to make others feel seen and heard by asking all the right questions. Very Well Mind uses words like “charming, energetic, and independent” to describe them. ENFP’s have great charisma and creativity, team this up with their social skills and they make great leaders.

A great characteristic of ENFP’s is that they are incredibly flexible, adaptable to change, and even spontaneous. As a result, they don’t do well with routine. They are easily distracted, especially when they are working on something that they don’t see as interesting or inspiring. They are great at generating new ideas, but Very Well Mind points out that they are known for being big procrastinators. They often have grand ideas that they can’t follow through on. ENFP’s tend to gravitate towards careers that will keep them on their toes and away from routine like nurse, politician, journalist, TV anchor or reporter.

14. The Giver (ENFJ: Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging)

As the name suggests, this personality type is known for being warm, social, and generous. These are the type of people who’ve probably excelled in school, had big dreams since childhood and life goals. They are often described as a “people person” because they are extremely good at reading other people and picking up on what they are feeling, as well as their needs. They are able to notice even the slightest shift in someone’s mood or demeanor. When there’s a problem, they are the first person to help them through it. This is why ENFJ’s tend to gravitate towards careers in fields where they have to read other people like a counselor or psychologist. They’re also super supportive and love to celebrate other people’s successes.

They enjoy spending time with others, helping others, and are good at bringing people together, even diverse groups. For this reason, ENFJ’s can be great leaders and even bring a level of enthusiasm that others with similar skills can’t. Not surprisingly, this personality type works best in a career where they can socialize and help others, but also exert their great organizational skills through planning activities and resolving conflicts. Some examples would be counselor, teacher, social worker, or psychologist.

15. The Debater (ENTP: Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving)

This personality type is also sometimes referred to as ‘the inventor’ or ‘visionary’ because they are constantly asking questions, particularly ones like “What If?” They are very curious learners who want to understand everything from how a car engine works to any scientific theory. Unlike some of the other personalities on this list, they aren’t necessarily concerned with the nitty gritty details of things. They prefer to explore abstract theories, so they tend come up with ideas before actually thinking them through. Some great career paths for this personality are engineer, lawyer, inventor, psychologist, or journalist.

They are extremely social, so they always have a group of friends around them along. They make for an extremely loyal and thoughtful friend. You’d definitely want one of them in your inner circle!They have a great sense of humor and tend to attract or peak the interest of others. Teen Vogue refers to them as heartbreakers because they’re sure to crush a few along the way. Since they love to learn about new things, they are constantly looking for new adventures and experiences that might lead them to explore new thoughts. ENTP’s are the first to start a debate among friends (they love to play devil’s advocate) and aren’t afraid to explore even the wildest theories and explanations.

16. The Commander (ENTJ: Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)

As the so-called Commander, these personalities are generally a force to be reckoned with. They tend to pose themselves as the smartest in the room and they’ve got the grit and determination to back it up. Other people tend to see them as outspoken, confident, and assertive. They work well with logic and reason, and are that go-to person in a crisis because they’ve got a knack for figuring things out. They are able to not only take a problem and find a solution, but also bring people together to execute a plan. ENTJ’s are planners.  They love working with a schedule and a controlled action plan that makes things more predictable. This is why their career field tends to be in either business, tech, or politics.

Despite being extremely goal-oriented and seemingly cold at times, these personalities can make great friends. They enjoy socializing with others and have strong verbal skills. They aren’t afraid to voice their opinions and thoughts. No doubt, they’re the person you want to call when you’re in a jam! They are the first to drop everything and show up at your doorstep to lend a helping hand. Since they have such a wide array of interests and knowledgeable insights, there’s nothing they can’t accomplish.

Senior Managing Editor

Katherine is the Senior Managing Editor of ActiveBeat and Childhood. She is constantly striving to live a more active and healthy life, from eating healthy, exercising, and just spending more time outdoors. She enjoys cooking (with wine), walking her dog, reading, and recently joined a yoga studio!

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