Ways to Say Goodbye to Separation Anxiety
About 4-percent of children will feel separation anxiety during any given school year. Here are 6 ways to ease the transition and the anxiety that comes with it…
4 min read
About 4-percent of children will feel separation anxiety during any given school year. Here are 6 ways to ease the transition and the anxiety that comes with it…
4 min read
There are a number of foods and beverages that can negatively affect our energy levels, and simply make activity and even intimacy less appealing to one or both partners. So which foods should you avoid, or limit consumption of, in order to keep your energy level?
4 min read
For those of you living in states where the thermometer drops enough for snow to stay on the ground, you might be dreading this upcoming cold season because it means longer nights and shoveling snow. However, it’s all a matter of perspective. Here are some health-related reasons why you shouldn’t be so icy about winter!
4 min read
Keeping your teeth and gums clean seems pretty straightforward, right? Then why do so many people avoid paying attention to the details that can save them a bigger dentist bill? Not only will these simple tips help keep your teeth clean and cavity-free—they’ll also help prevent other possible health problems from improper techniques. You may […]
4 min read
While most people are excited for the holidays and spending time with their families, for others it can be a time of stress and anxiety. To help, we’re sharing some tips on how to have a healthy stress-free holiday.
6 min read
Most women have experienced the dreaded day or two late for their period which inevitably raises the question of pregnancy. Keep in mind there are many reasons a woman’s period may be late, including any of these 7.
3 min read