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6 Snoring Facts that May Keep you Awake at Night
By Jeff Hayward Men's Health News

6 Snoring Facts that May Keep you Awake at Night

Snoring is something many of us live with, whether we’re the one snoring or we’re trying to cover our ears listening to someone else. However, it’s more than just the sawing noise that comes with it that’s not welcomed. Snoring can point to a health problem or lifestyle factors that may need tweaking. While many […]

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4 min read

9 Ways to Prevent Envy from Negatively Impacting your Life
By Debbie McGauran Men's Health News

9 Ways to Prevent Envy from Negatively Impacting your Life

Envy or jealousy is a negative emotion that surfaces when you compare what you have to what others have. If left unchecked, it’s a good way to make your life miserable. Jealousy can make you feel hard done by, and this type of victim mentality can be damaging to your physical and mental health. Envy […]

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