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7 Facts about Heat, Humidity and Impacts on Health
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

7 Facts about Heat, Humidity and Impacts on Health

We’re coming into the warmer season, and for states that are already relatively warm for most of the year, that means they’ll be especially hot. While that means sipping beverages on patios and lounging on beaches, it also means certain health considerations. Enjoying the sun and outdoors during the late spring and summer (and into […]

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4 min read

Promising New Medical Treatments for Cancer
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

Promising New Medical Treatments for Cancer

Medical science is constantly making cancer breakthroughs, however there’s an extensive process to bring treatments to the public. That being said, there are some promising new treatments (with some currently still in the investigational stages) targeting cancer, and they could prove valuable to millions of patients in the U.S. and beyond in the future. Here are six experimental cancer treatments that are catching attention from the medical world…

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Pain-Free Fibromyalgia Treatments
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

Pain-Free Fibromyalgia Treatments

Fibromyalgia can be a painfully debilitating disease that can affect multiple points of your body, making daily activities more difficult. Sources say it’s one of the most common pain diseases, affecting up to 10-million people in the U.S. alone. It’s also made more complicated by the fact that it doesn’t seem to have specific causes. […]

Read More about Pain-Free Fibromyalgia Treatments

3 min read

Load Up on These Magnesium Deficiency Treatments
By Jeff Hayward Diet and Nutrition News & Advice

Load Up on These Magnesium Deficiency Treatments

You may not wake up and think to yourself, “Wow, I really could use some magnesium today,” but the truth is your body needs it – at least one source says it’s responsible for up to 300 biological functions. In fact, a deficiency can cause motor tics and muscle twitches, anxiety, irregular heartbeat and even […]

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4 min read

7 Health Hazards Hidden in Everyday Routines
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

7 Health Hazards Hidden in Everyday Routines

When it comes to inadvertently hurting ourselves, it can happen in so many different ways – whether it’s an accident like tripping, or a bad habit that leads to damage. However, emergency rooms across the U.S. see a variety of somewhat stranger injuries that could happen on any given day – and should be taken […]

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4 min read

Natural Treatments for Shingles
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

Natural Treatments for Shingles

Shingles is a painful infection of a nerve that can be debilitating – it’s more severe than chickenpox, which is caused by the same virus called varicella-zoster. Shingles typically strikes those over 50-years old who has already had chickenpox, with the virus reactivating. While there are prescription antiviral medicines designed to tackle shingles, they really […]

Read More about Natural Treatments for Shingles

3 min read