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Don’t Let These 6 Migraine Symptoms Go to Your Head
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

Don’t Let These 6 Migraine Symptoms Go to Your Head

Almost everyone gets a headache now and then, and they can be quite unpleasant. However, for those who suffer migraines, painful and even debilitating headaches are part of their normal life. There are some distinct differences between a “regular” headache and a migraine, so it’s important to know the difference if you’re planning on seeking […]

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3 min read

6 Steps For Effectively Treating Claustrophobia
By Emily Lockhart Your Health

6 Steps For Effectively Treating Claustrophobia

Claustrophobia, generally understood to be a fear of confined spaces (such as elevators, closets, MRI machines, even small bedrooms) is one of the most widely known phobias. It’s also one of the most visible phobias, with millions of Americans reportedly dealing with some degree of claustrophobia. But there’s less knowledge of the various ways in […]

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Most Common and Effective Tinnitus Treatments
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Gerald Morris Your Health

Most Common and Effective Tinnitus Treatments

Tinnitus is the medical term used when referring to patients who experience ringing in the ears, usually from prolonged exposure to loud music, stress, or sometimes unknown causes. Not surprisingly, it can be a very uncomfortable condition. We look into some of the most effective methods that may help quiet the problem.

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4 min read