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Causes of Liver Disease and Liver Failure
Medically Reviewed by Dr. Gerald Morris Your Health

Causes of Liver Disease and Liver Failure

Although acute and chronic liver failure patients often experience similar symptoms, the causes of these two conditions — in addition to their treatments — can be unique. But, because the end result, death, can be the same, it’s crucial that everyone fully understand the causes of all types of liver failure.

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6 Facts to Digest About Functional Dyspepsia
By Jeff Hayward Your Health

6 Facts to Digest About Functional Dyspepsia

If you regularly have a gut feeling, then you may be experiencing functional dyspepsia (also known as non-ulcer dyspepsia, pseudo-ulcer syndrome, pyloro-duodenal irritability, and gastritis), which the Canadian Society of Intestinal Research describes as a “chronic disorder of sensation and movement (peristalsis) in the upper digestive tract”. While it’s generally not considered a serious condition, […]

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